Title: Lying in Wait
arliddianRating: G
Fandom: Robin Hood
Characters/Pairing: Much, Allan
Timeframe: Early season 2
Summary: The outlaws lie in wait for... well, anyone, really.
Word Count: 223
Author's Note: Written about five months ago for the
drabbles100 challenge (which I have dropped). Prompt: "hours". I always wondered how long the outlaws spent waiting for someone to wander through the forest...
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: Don't own it; don't sue me.
hours,' Much complained in a voice barely above a whisper.'>"It's been hours," Much complained in a voice barely above a whisper. He shifted, trying to find a more comfortable position, making the bushes rustle around him.
"Not being funny, but don't we need to be quiet when we're setting up an ambush?" Allan muttered, crouched beside him.
"An ambush for what?" Much stopped moving, dropping the volume of his speech. "We've been waiting all morning. We don't know if anyone's ever going to come by."
"We always get someone coming through this way."
"But what if today is the day nobody does? What if we have wasted our whole morning when we could be doing... well, I don't know. But something useful!"
"Much," Allan groaned. "Shut up."
Much took no notice of his comrade. "I think I am beginning to get sores from lying in one place for too long. You'd think Robin would have found out for sure somehow if someone was coming through the forest today, instead of sending us here 'in case'. And--"
"Much," Allan hissed. "Shut up!" And with that he sprang to his feet, drew his sword and rushed down meet the travellers who had just appeared, the other outlaws emerging from their own hiding places.
Much shut his mouth with a snap and scrambled after him. With his sword pointing at the frightened travellers, he exclaimed, "Finally!"