Robin Hood: The End

Jan 06, 2009 13:33

Title: The End
Author: arliddian
Rating: PG
Fandom: Robin Hood
Characters/Pairing: Robin.
Timeframe: Several months after the end of season 2.
Summary: This is the way it ends.
Word Count: 120
Author's Note: For the drabbles100 challenge. Prompt: "ends".
Warnings: Character death.
Disclaimer: Don't own it; don't sue me.

This is the way it ends:

It's not the way Robin pictured it (and with the number of times he's been in mortal peril, he's had plenty of opportunities to picture it). He is not fighting. There is no audience. The outlaws aren't here. The Sheriff isn't even here.

Instead, Robin lies alone, bleeding on the forest floor. His comrades have scattered and he has no idea whether any of them managed to escape.

He has no doubt his friends will keep fighting (If they're alive, a voice whispers in his head). But what about the people he has fought for?

As Robin Hood lies dying, he wonders if someone can become a matyr if nobody knows how he died.


fandom: robin hood, drabbles, char: rh: robin, drabbles100

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