Title: The Trouble With Phasing
arliddianRating: G
Characters/Pairing: Kitty/Pyro
Timeframe: Pre-X2
Summary: Just a couple of the problems with phasing.
Word Count: 100! An actual, legitimate drabble!
Author's Note: Prompted by
hazy_crazy: Kyro, "the trouble with phasing".
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: Don't own it; don't sue me.
The trouble with Kitty was that she slipped through John’s fingers.
It was funny at first, when her hand phased through her desk when he leaned close, the way she’d sometimes sink knee-deep into the floor when he walked silently up behind her and startled her. He’d grin at her flushed face and make some smart remark about how she couldn’t control herself around him.
It stopped being funny when he fell for her and fell through her when he tried to kiss her. That was when he realised that the trouble with phasing was that she was in control.