So after six evenings spent waiting for the short web-episodes, that thing's over now too, and I guess it's safe to say that this is very final.
I should be upset by M's death, like many fans are as I've seen in the discussion posts on different comms, but somehow I'm not, because I was really expecting it. How else should that have ended in barely 3 minutes... I was prepared for this to happen after yesterday's ep. And heck (yes, this is sarcasm now), aren't we kinda used to things ending that way with G's characters by now? [/sarcasm]
Thank God that they didn't show what M. really would have looked like after killing himself like that. There had probably not been enough budget for that. Not that I would have wanted to see it, of course, but the way it was shown was so far from reality that I would have preferred it if they hadn't shown the body at all then. Maybe just some blood on the ground and a lifeless hand with the weapon instead...
The story itself was really predictable. And the whole thing had plot holes, too (kinda amazing, so short and still more holes than Swiss cheese), and I also didn't really get the point of it all. So it was some kind of mind game, nothing else, and yes, people sacrifice themselves for their loved ones. Not really new.
Still, it had a lot of atmosphere somehow, and I like that. I also liked the acting (apart from the last ep). There wasn't really much time to get attached to the characters though. Maybe that's why I'm not overly upset about Matheson's death right now. I liked the character a lot, but there wasn't much background yet, not much to relate to, not enough to connect to him emotionally the way I did with Ianto over three seasons of Torchwood. I'm still missing Ianto as if he had been a living person that I actually knew. Matheson was still 'just' a fictional character to me. Wish though he hadn't died so that we could have seen more of him. He was interesting, just like the whole concept.
Wanted to add that I really liked GDL in this one. His acting was great and I like it to see him in new projects and hope there's a lot more to come for him. His role in GN9 had potential though, which is why I wished M. hadn't died.
I also heard that there are rumours about fans attacking James Moran now. I've been in the discussion threads of the GN9 comm and the savecoffeeboy com, and this is what I can say (I quote myself here as I left this comment in the LJ of
I've seen a few comments about him, but I wouldn't call it an attack, no-one wanted to kill him or anything like that. A few people just were a bit more upset than others about the way JM promoted GN9 (saying he used many GDL fangirls for that) and how it turned out in the end then. After Ianto's death, some people are a bit more sensitive when it comes to their fav character's dying like flies... So I really think that some of the comments I've seen were just a first over-emotional reaction to GN9, but there was nothing I'd call an attack. There were also many people who said "Let's be careful with our comments, we should be discussing this like adults" as no-one was keen on a repeat performance of the fandom wank after Ianto's death and the few people whose reactions gave a fandom of several thousand people a bad name (until today, which still irks me).
So generally I've mostly just seen discussions about James' writing. Some praise it, some like it, some dislike it, some hate it. Personally I think he isn't as brilliant as he might think he is because his plots aren't really that original and rather predictable so far.