I'm about to embark on my first freelance project! Uber excited!!!
Auntie Billie sent me a message yesterday, asking if I could still help out with Our Alma Matters. YAAAY! I can't wait to receive the CD with the materials so I can begin!
Anyway, I got ahead of myself and created a draft InDesign file to play around with. (Wheee! Reviving the good-ol' Transter days...
freakyluv and
vida_maya, remember our winning Intramuros piece? Crammed but beautiful as always... Hehehe!)
I've started jotting down items that the magazine could improve on (some issue-bashing, if you will), coming from the last issue that was a major design disappointment. I also got in touch with the printer (Repro) to smoothen out some details and technical items. I was quite surprised when that first phone meeting took just around fifteen minutes - five minutes for the usual quotation-pagination-software-timeline discussion, and ten minutes for chikahan.
Apparently ICA got Repro to handle Batch 2005 and 2006's yearbooks. (2005 if I remember right is delayed, and my only clue: si Ms. Sia raw ang moderator. Goodness!!!)
Hahaha. OMG. I can't believe some things haven't changed. Well, at least when I think about my own yearbook experience, I'm definitely laughing about it now.