Jan 30, 2005 22:30
Winter Break is OVER =(
Winter break is over and I'm not that sad. This has been the best winter break ever and I'm sure the fun will continue. I slept a lot and laid in bed a lot and am now ready to wake up early to get to those 8:30am classes I have this semester.
Some New Things...
I got my braces off and I currently have to wear a positioner. Positioners seem really lame and uncomfortable, (it's like wearing a mouth piece) but I love it. It was just the first couple of days that really sucked and hurt, but my teeth have moved in position and I think it's fun to wear now! What a dork I know...but you gotta make the uncomfortable things in life fun. My favorite thing to do is breathe through the holes and make silly spit sounds. My sister and boyfriend find it strange and annoying =) I'm sure you are grossed out so I'll stop.
Another new thing is that school is starting again. I'm excited! I hope that it keeps on being exciting. Tomorrow I only have one class, Tuesday I have two and Thursday I have two. Okay nothing more to say about school since it doesn't start until tomorrow.
An Apology
I'm sorry to the very few people I lied to about my current relationship. I didn't want to lie. I just didn't know what to say when the questions were being asked. I'm sorry! Someday everything will be put straight...when that day is...I have no idea because well...I just don't know.
Things are tricky in this relationship. There just aren't a lot of people I can tell. It's not like it's a forbidden relationship...but I dunno. I really just wish that I could tell everyone the truth about what is going on and stop keeping it secret.
Okay...well I have to get to bed soon since I have to wake up butt early. Goodnight everyone...adios!