Nov 29, 2004 14:50

I needed 70 to pass the drivers test, I got a 67. Somehow all 33 points that were deducted all invovled turning. I always stayed in my lane, I just turned too quickly, and "wobbled." Oh well.......I surrender.

I suppose you guys already heard about the 16 year old girl who had her mom killed? She had a LJ http://www.livejournal.com/users/smchyrocky/ . Hours fter the police informed her of her mothers death, she made a post about her buying some shoes. Then when told the police were gonna confiscate her comp she posted on LJ that her mom was murdered and police are gonna take her comp so maybe she'll be back on LJ by this weekend. I went there, but the last 2 post I mentioned aren't there anymore. One has over 3500 replies.

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