Jan 06, 2011 08:09
Going to attempt to keep this updated more than once every several months, so I figure I might as well start with whatever is on my mind in a given morning. I hear that's what these things are for anyway.
As I mentioned, I'm aiming for "better" gaming this year, starting with my own campaign slated to start in a month or so, once the current game takes a break. This'll be a revisit to a world that I ran a few years ago, and in fact one character will be returning, wiser, a bit more leveled up, and serving as a tenuious link to the old story which the general populace never heard. Though my plan is, to make sure this game is for the players.
An easy to make mistake, I suppose, is to do the opposite, one I've done several times admittedly. I'll get focused and excited on a certain idea, or setting, or story line that -I- want to run, the players can become an afterthought. Or rather, what they want takes backseat to what I want. That's not how a game should be. Knowledge stemmed from broken, abandoned games long since ended, I suppose.
So I've got a bare framework, ideas of what may drive the story (including what will and won't happen if the PCs do/don't intervene) and... really, from there, I'm going to wait to see what they want. Character creation is loosely beginning, I'm curious what they want to have as backstory, or as character motivation. We'll see how it goes.