Insgihts Release 1.0

May 24, 2005 09:42

Yea its been a while since i posted. doesnt really matter at all..but anyways here are some ideas..

Today is a better day than yesterday and wow is down so here is some topics off the top of my head, focus people..

♦ YES I STILL PLAY WOW!! and yea i still enjoy it. Ive had it since like november and i still play it a lot. People ask me if i stay play and they seemed shocked to hear me say yes. I dont get why. Its a good game. I am not that fickle. I dont see the point in buying a new game every month or everytime something new comes out, dropping what im doing to get the newest and latest game. Its like spend $50 for a game that is so so just cuz its new?? So screw you, i still play wow and i enjoy it. :)

♦This is a note for everyone i know. There is a word that needs to be redefined and use properly. This dirty little word is "we".

This is the dictionary defintion:
We - Used by the speaker or writer to indicate the speaker or writer along with another or others as the subject.
We made it to the lecture hall on time.
We are planning a trip to Arizona this winter.

But this is the REAL definition im used to nowaday.
We - Used by the speaker or writer to indicate the speaker or write has a BRILLIANT plan or idea that he or she feels must be implemented by YOU and since he is such a lazy ass he or she will tell you what to do but not actually be involved in said activity or task.

Here let me give u some life examples so this can make some sense to everyone:

1.This place is messy. We need to clean up. --> This place is messy. Get to cleaning monkey boy!!!
2.We need to redesign the infrastructure of how we deal with problems here. --> You need to change EVERYTHING you know about your job and do it my way even though I dont have a clue what im talking about!
3. I'm hungry. What are we having? --> I'm hungry. what are u making me biatch?!! NOW!!

So please everyone, just think about this word before you use it. It could prevent someone from flipping out on you and sticking a scissor in your neck.

♦The CEO of MTV might be the devil..Now now let me explain before you think im a little nutty.
1. For years MTV has been trying to kill someone on television. They are one of the first stunt reality shows ala Fear factor/Survivor. They used to do some dangerous stuff on the early shows on MTV.
2. Where the F are the music videos?? All i see is shows shows shows!!
3. Oh yea they do show some videos. But I have gotten these messages from them:
a. Women are bitches and hoes. They are here for my amusement.
b. Its good to be a thug! F the law! F authority! Work is for loser! Lets all be hustlers!! yay!
c. I cantz tak writ no morez. yay kid!
d. The sluttier u are the better!
e. White people are losers!
f. My teeth should resemble light reflectors..
g. Vote Democratic! Even though you have no clue what that may mean!!
h. I want a Famous Face - Worse show ever. Lets show people some pretty people try to change their look cuz they wanna look like someone in hollywood. Forget individuality, self-respect and self esteem.

Ok im done. just some examples of how MTV is killing society. And no im not nuts. I say this cuz SO many people, especially young kids watch this, are so easily manipulated. Dont believe me? go visit your old elementary school/HS. doesnt everyone look like someone on MTV? watch how they act. then try to picture these people as our future..

♦When writing a long entry on LJ be sure you save often!! Somehow good old IE screwed me over and i lost what i was writing before. So save! it will save u the embarassment of looking crazy to ur co-worker when you start cursing and damning the mother of ur computer.
Here is what you do. right click where u are writing. Then a little box opens. go to the select all section. left click there.all your text should go blue. then right click on the blue area again. this time do copy option. u are all done!! all your wonderful ideas are saved just in case.

This has been a public announcement bought to you by wilson.

PS - if you feel i should use a cut here let me know. I dont want to be rude and hi-jack ur friends list.
but be warned i will be spiteful and vengeful and will send u a virus and kill ur computer and maybe even ur pets if i can figure that out..still working out the kinks on that one.
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