Okay. OMG.
Well. Didn't that just blow the socks of last season. I may incur the wrath of some here, but I'm sorry, last season sucked ass. I hated Martha... mostly because she was swooning over the doctor and being fucked off about Rose. Donna was so a better character, and just what we needed - a bessie mate for the doctor. Which is why I am so devistated, and cried my eyes out that she has no memories of what happened.
I was also not a fan of the Master. I really enjoyed John Simms performance and thought he was great, I just think the story lines for the last 3 episodes sucked and it sort of killed me a bit inside that the whole solution was everyone thinking about the Doctor, etc. Sorry, if I had been the Master I wouldn't have wanted to Regenerate after that crap either...
I think Donna losing her memories is the part of the episode that really got to me, though to be honest (and some of this might be because I'm due on, lol) I was getting really emotional about it all anyways.
I'm also not sure where I stand on the Rose/New Doctor thing... My first reaction was NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Because she's right, he's not the doctor. But then the doctor is right - he's more like the old doctor, in fact I commented when he commited Dalek genocide, that that was a very Nine thing to do. Very raw. I just don't know!!! And then all this was replaced, as the "real" Doctor walked away, with the feeling of "she's got him, but he'll never have her! The Doctor is still alone :("
SO yeah. ZOMG! Emotional chaos!!! But despite it all, it was lovely to see the comraderie of the "companions" even if it did just highlight even more the fact of how alone the Doctor is. I particularly loved them all flying to TARDIS, that was a sweet touch.
I'm really glad (for the most part) that the Donna time link thingy was self contained, after a few episodes building up to it. However, was slightly sad that she didn't turn out to be a Timelord Lady after all. I had little ideas in my head that she was actually adopted and was a young Timelady sent to escape the Time War and she would then travel around space in some sort of TARDIS with gramps.... *sigh* I can but dream.
I love Donna. She was just what the show needed after so many angst ridden companions. For me it took it back to the jolly old days of fun without the unrequited love pap. She was possibly the best companion ever in terms of the fact that her and the Doctor were totally best mates. I'm really gonna miss her. I make no secret of loving Rose, but I think I love Donna just as much, if not more... but in a different way.
There's going to be no living with Gareth from now on! All this week he has been going on about what Dalek Caan said about "the three fold man", and had been convinced that there would be three doctors. I said there was no way they could have kept it a secret if they had brought back in, say for example, Chris Eccleston and Paul McGann. So he was wrong, but also right... which he won't let me forget.
Some speculation on the next series, etc
I read on the internet that Noel Clarke (Mickey) has signed up for season 5 and so is being put forward as the next companion - which will be nice. Firstly it'll be good for the doctor to have a couple of minutes in the first ep together where they can talk about Rose and maybe let the Doctor be a bit angsty with someone who can totally understand.
Also - I think the ending of this ep could mean that both Marth and Mickey may end up in Torchwood for next season, which again would be nice, as I think both Who and TW could possibly do with taking a break from introducing new characters. It would just save a lot of time in the first few episodes so that they can get straight into doing stuff and not having to introduce and explain things.
The trailer for next episode showed the Cybermen, so it is possible Mickey comes back then, after all, he is a bit of an expert on them... And again, it would be nice to have a proper companion, rather than another throw away temporary companion for a one off special. Apparently there are going to be a total of 4 specials next year I believe, to fill the gap until season 5, so it would be a bit mep to keep having another temp companion for each one.
Cybermen. I am actually getting really let down by the new series constantly recycling old baddies. Don't get me wrong, I think they have done it well so far (though I think the Daleks have possibly crossed the line into being overused). I just wish at some point they had come up with another new bad that can recur rather than using all the old recurring villians ad nauseum. I know they have always reused villians, etc, in old series and it is good to see them back in moderation, but this has been particularly annoying with the daleks. I know some people might completely disagree with me, and that's fine - my problem is not with the daleks being there, after all they are just as much a part of Doctor Who as anything else... it's more the fact that everytime we see them it's the last dalek/s, and they get completely destroyed, etc, and then ZOMG they're back again. On top of that there's a risk of bringing something back so often that it losses the effect it is meant to have. I for one was completely underwhelmed by Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks, and I used to love the Daleks!!! *sigh* Though seeing Davros back was good fun :)
Anyways... the cybermen are back in the xmas special... This should be interesting - they, I think, have so far been used really well in the new series, and though I worried it would be too much having them and the Daleks together, it worked really well. However, what I would REALLY love, just to shake things up (especially if Mickey is there as this might bend his mind) would be to have the Mondas Cybermen turn up.
I figure they have to either be from Mondas OR they came across during the finale due to the dimensions breaking down again, etc. IF they come through because they have found another way, I will be really sad, I just don't like the way they keep saying something can't ever be done, or can never come back, etc, and then it happens... usually thanks to a Mcguffin, etc...
Also - I have read rumours that at some point the Time War will be explained in greater detail, which I would love, especially as Caan was able to get through the Time Lock, might be interesting to see a bit more about it. On top of that - which may link in, I have heard that at some point the "unseen regeneration" from Eight to Nine will be explained. Interesting.
Ok. I'm off to mope some more about Donna :(