Jul 07, 2007 12:02
So, here tis. I've been meaning to do this for a very long while, and now seems as good a time as any.
With Mum sick and me with a resulting intermitent access, it feels like now is the right time.
Sure, there are other factors. There are a lot of people on my F-List that I just don't really talk to anymore, and to be fair, I've been thinking this for a long while (since I got MySpace in fact), that initially my LJ was to keep in touch with friends who had moved away or stayed places I had moved from. People I know in real life essentially. It's not that I dont like or am not interested in everyone else, I just don't have the time and need to prioritise.
There are a number of factors cutting down my time - firstly, looking for a new job is a full time job, and since I already have one of those, it doesn't leave a lot of time for much else.
The other reason, obviously, is that I want to spend time with real life people and not all the time on the internet (which I used to be able to do in my old job when I had access at work, but these days is a struggle). I have two amazing housemates, and though one of them is leaving (which will result in me having even less time as I'll be visiting her, etc). I also have a boyfriend I want to spend time with, and if that makes me pathetic, them colour me a pansy.
This is part of a huge shakeup to be honest. I'm deleting my MySpace, I havent been on it weeks and past the initial newness actually lost interest in it very quickly and don't particularly care for it to be hanging around. I am also changing back to my old YIM address for IM as it has all my real-life friends on it. So, yeah, here's me being drastic. EEP.
If there is anyone strongly opposed to being cut then please let me know.