Berlin: The World Tour

Apr 08, 2010 22:29

When Berlin was reinstated as Germany's capital, it gave many countries the chance to build new embassies, and many architects the chance to go crackers.  Here follows a fragrant nosegay of ambassadorial residences.


One of the most impressive is the complex housing the Nordic embassies of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden.

No less eyecatching is the Mexican Embassy...

The Italian and Japanese Embassies occupy more conventional styles of residence...

...while India offers a modern take on traditional materials.

Spain, France, Britain, Austria and the US have their own particular styles. The French one seems to be made of shredded wheat and marzipan.

But the award for most bonkers embassy in Berlin must surely go to the United Arab Emirates:

With its Ali Baba arches,  scare bear and cartoon eagle this must be the very quintessence of ambassadorial bad taste. Goodness knows what the neighbours make of it.

berlin, germany, architecture, embassies

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