The most recent edition of the always excellent
Bears in the City podcast included an item about SCAT. No, not THAT SCAT.
SCAT, it seems, is the acronym for the Sydney's Casualty Access Team. I'm guessing it's like a paramedic version of Batman and Robin.
Acronyms can be lethal in the wrong hands. Some years ago, Dublin's transport bosses decided to give a snazzy new name to the city's rapid transit system. They called it the DART - Dublin Area Rapid Transport. So far, so snazzy. Then, some bright spark decided this line of thought should be applied to the different areas of Dublin.
It started off well enough in Kimmage - the KART, then stumbled a bit in Tallaght - the TART.
But it was only when they got to Finglas that the whole idea hit the buffers.