Motherfucking RAGE tier.

Feb 02, 2011 01:21

12:12 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: Oh shit.
12:12 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: So, you know that whole natural cycle of warming and cooling the Earth goes through?
12:13 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: Well, that's mostly due to the Earth getting closer and farther away from the Sun, along with some other factors.
12:14 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: Now, here's the scary part: we're supposed to be in the cooling part right now, but global temperatures are at the warmest they've ever been.
12:15 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: Are you
12:15 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: One of those
12:15 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: global warming faggots
12:15 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: We can debate the cause all you want, but the fact is that the planet's a hell of a lot hotter than it should be right now.
12:15 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: And that's really bad news for us.
12:15 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: >cause
12:16 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: okay.
12:16 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: I'll let you have this one and not argue, simply because you're already off your rocker.
12:17 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: Al Gore was rather alarmist (and a bit of a hypocrite, considering his private jet and huge mansion), but there are hundreds of thousands of scientists the world over who will tell you that, unless something changes, we're all fucked.
12:18 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: Probably won't happen in our lifetimes.
12:18 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: We're fucked to begin with.
12:18 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: What makes you think a "change" will fix it?
Curse Maker has changed their name to Momiji Inubashiri.
12:19 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: I don't pretend to know what it'll take to get the temperature back to normal levels, but, considering how far away from the sun we are right now, the planet should be in a mini ice age.
12:20 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: "[they] are at the warmest they've ever been".
12:20 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: Global warming is a bit of a misnomer, really.
12:20 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: I'm aware and I don't want you to mention it again in here after I say this.
12:21 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: Scientists can be full of bullshit to try to pull more money in for "researching" something like global warming, our pollution and our effect on the environment, but let's consider this for a second.
12:21 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: Has anything EVER been repeated with the EXACT same results?
12:21 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: Not even in nature does this happen.
12:22 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: Sure, they're super warm compared to what they should be right now.  Do you think the last 20, 30 years of pollution is going to cause the earth to suddenly say "OH WELL THIS IS A WARM YEAR AGAIN LOL"
12:22 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: Consider our size.  Consider we now have 7 billion people in the world.
12:22 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: 6 billion last decade.
12:22 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: and what, 4.5b the decade before?
12:22 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: Our tech sprung up super fast in the last 2 decades.
12:22 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: It's accellerating.
12:23 AM - Cirnux: Wriggle, most likely reason Okuu dont want you talking about it after this is because it's normally just used in politics.
12:23 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: Do you understand how the Earth warms itself? How long-wave and short-wave radiation work to make life on Earth possible?
12:23 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: LET
12:23 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: ME
12:23 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: FINISH.
12:24 AM - Momiji Inubashiri: wait
12:24 AM - Momiji Inubashiri: i got this
12:24 AM - Momiji Inubashiri: u ready for this
12:24 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: Our sudden increase of pollution and bullshit that we're doing right now and for the last 20 years is not going to cause the earth to suddenly go full stop on something like AN ICE AGE.  Things may be warmer than ever right now, but consider we have 7 billion HUMAN bodies right now, combined with everything we've built.
12:24 AM - Momiji Inubashiri: ARE YOU
12:24 AM - Momiji Inubashiri: READY
12:24 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: If you do not let me finish, I am going to ban you until I am done.
12:25 AM - Momiji Inubashiri: But it's good ; _ ;
12:25 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: No.
12:25 AM - Momiji Inubashiri whine.
12:25 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: Fuck your sarcasm, your humor, and anything else to derail right now.
12:25 AM - Cirnux: Tell me when you're done, okay??
12:25 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: The fact of the matter is we are NOT going to stop a behemoth such as an ice age with the amount of "Damage" we've done thus far.
12:26 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: I mean, we can debate how it all got there, but the fact of the matter is there's more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere right now than any time in history.
12:26 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: Yes.  This is true.
12:26 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: There haven't been any other cars any other time in history.
12:26 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: Or factories.
12:26 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: Or anything like that.
12:26 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: Which means that the planet is going to get a lot warmer.
12:27 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: Yes.
12:27 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: Then you know what happens?
12:27 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: Ice melts.
12:27 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: Everyone is going to fucking die from either the carbon dioxide, or when the ice age hits with a fucking vengeance.
12:27 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: Large amounts of cold, fresh water flows into the ocean.
12:27 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: And then everything will be back to normal.
12:28 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: The currents shut down.
12:28 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: And then we have a real ice age.
12:28 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: Yes.
12:28 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: So what's the problem.
12:28 AM - Zerø✪CooLᅠ: And then people die
12:28 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: Again
12:28 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: What's the problem.
12:28 AM - Zerø✪CooLᅠ: And then the earth fixes itself after a while
12:28 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: Thank you Zero.
12:28 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: The Day After Tomorrow was kind of a shitty movie, but it got the "huge quantities of ice" part right.
12:28 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: The problem is that humans don't like dying.
12:28 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: Ice age hits.
12:28 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: Thank you again, Zero.
12:28 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: And we'd be taking a lot of non-humans with us.
12:29 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: Who's to say they weren't going to go with us in the first place.
12:29 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: We're not going to stop an ICE age as humans.
12:29 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: I mis-spoke a bit earlier.
12:29 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: The sooner people accept that humankind will go extinct, the better.
12:29 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: We shouldn't be in an ice age now, but we should be a lot colder.
12:30 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: Well, that said, the carbon dioxide isn't just going to disappear.
12:30 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: To be honest, I seriously hope it happens, and I hope I'm around when it does.
12:30 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: It will.
12:30 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: It'll freeze over, go back into the ground, blend with something (temporarily or permanently), and get buried again for the next evolution of desecrators to mine it up.
12:30 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: As some weird resource.
12:31 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: The Law of Conservation of Mass says it all has to go somewhere, and it's not magically just gonna fall out of the sky.
12:31 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: You know where it came from before?
12:31 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: THE GROUND.  FROM OIL.
12:31 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: And COAL.
12:31 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: Which came from dinosaurs and rocks.
12:31 AM - Cirnux: Wriggle, do you realize why a blanket keeps you warm? It's not the blanket that is warm, but your body. Mammals such as humans generate heat. Machines also generate heat. There are tons of humans and machines. Like Okuu said, over 7 billion humans. That's probably all I'm gonna say. (srry, slow typing and damned trackpad)

Law of Conservation does not mean matter can not move from place to place, dummy
12:32 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: The carbon dioxide will get caught in clouds, get rained down, frozen, covered, frozen, covered, etc
12:32 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: They weren't just magic carbon dioxide pods before we sent them into the atmosphere.
12:32 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: When it melts, it'll go into ground water.
12:32 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: Which is really bad for the ground water.
12:32 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: "Clean coal" is pretty much a sham.
12:33 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: There will be next to nothing drinking it.
12:33 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: Because everything will pretty much be DEAD.
12:33 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: The next ice age to hit will pretty much fuck EVERYTHING up.
12:33 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: It's trapping the CO2 from the air and shoving it into the water.
12:33 AM - Zerø✪CooLᅠ: Clean coal was never meant to mean non-polluting coal
12:33 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: I'm more than happy to not see that happen.
12:33 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: Yes.  And it'll go into the ground water.  And it'll get buried.
12:33 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: And probably get compressed with something.
12:33 AM - Cirnux: There will be survivors. If it happens soon, I will make it out alive
12:34 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: Humans can stop this, and probably will. It's just a matter of how we do it.
12:34 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: And the next evolution of species will gain an immunity to it.
12:34 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: Mankind will not stop it.
12:34 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: I mean, we can completely reverse the effects of global warming by blocking roughly 2% of the Sun's radiaton from reaching the earth.
12:34 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: Mankind is too stupid and ignorant.
12:34 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: But that's a rather drastic measure.
12:34 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: See now.
12:34 AM - Zerø✪CooLᅠ: Hey. Wriggle
12:34 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: Here's your problem.
12:34 AM - Zerø✪CooLᅠ: You know why it won't happen?
12:35 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: You're giving humanity too much credit for what's going on.
12:35 AM - Zerø✪CooLᅠ: Because people will think it's too expensive
12:35 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: The easiest way to do that is to shoot trillions of tiny mirrors into orbit around us.
12:35 AM - Zerø✪CooLᅠ: And when people think it's time to enact the fix
12:35 AM - Zerø✪CooLᅠ: it'll be too late
12:35 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: Now THAT is the worst possible thing to do.
12:35 AM - Zerø✪CooLᅠ: >10:38 PM - Wriggle Nightbug: The easiest way to do that is to shoot trillions of tiny mirrors into orbit around us.
12:35 AM - Zerø✪CooLᅠ: The fuck?
12:35 AM - Cirnux: Wriggle, how old are you?
12:35 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: 21.
12:35 AM - Zerø✪CooLᅠ: Seriously, the fuck?
12:35 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: Because when we do that, and the ice age wipes us out, we'll be blocking out the sun's energy for whatever survives/evolves next.
12:35 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: Thus us REALLY fucking the world up.
12:35 AM - Zerø✪CooLᅠ: There are tons of OTHER, IMMEDATE consquences if we do that
12:36 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: Because nothing will be able to removed said mirrors.
12:36 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: It's a seriously-considered solution, but it'll cost somewhere in the range of $4 trillion and serious advances in railgun technology to do.
12:36 AM - Cirnux: Okay, I'm 19 and I grew up more than you did, I mean what the fuck is with your logic
12:36 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: If mirrors go into orbit, this planet is pretty much dead.
12:36 AM - Zerø✪CooLᅠ: Wow, I thought your argument had some weight until you said that
12:36 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: It's not necessarily a good way.
12:36 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: But it's a fantastic last-ditch effort.
12:37 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: Uh.
12:37 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: No.
12:37 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: It's not.
12:37 AM - Zerø✪CooLᅠ: IT's a TERRIBLE effort
12:37 AM - Zerø✪CooLᅠ: Idea*
12:37 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: When you're staring down imminent death, you tend to do drastic things.
12:37 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: An ice age is inevitable.
12:37 AM - Zerø✪CooLᅠ: Except nobody's gonna fucking do it, because no one will fund it
12:37 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: Not because of humans.
12:37 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: But rather because IT'S GOING TO FUCKING HAPPEN.
12:38 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: If humans get wiped out, the better.
12:38 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: Everything will return to the earth.
12:38 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: New species come forth.
12:38 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: To think we can change it to save ourselves is a ridiculous thought.
12:38 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: If we can just reflect 2% of the Sun's energy, it'll more-or-less neutralize the effects of all the carbon dioxide we're pumping into the atmosphere.
12:39 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: You know what else it'll do?
12:39 AM - Zerø✪CooLᅠ: Except that, jetting tons of FLAK into SPACE is BAD
12:39 AM - Zerø✪CooLᅠ: For the SHIT WE ALREADY HAVE UP THERE.
12:39 AM - Cirnux: Wriggle is broken record
12:39 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: Reflect 2% of the sun's energy that algae and plants use to create oxygen.
12:39 AM - Zerø✪CooLᅠ: And the SHIT THAT WE WILL PUT UP THERE.
12:39 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: The Earth's climate will return to normal, but with large amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
12:39 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: Which will return back to earth.
12:40 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: The British are seriously considering this idea for the future, but we don't really have the technology to do it right now.
12:40 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: Are you trying to tell me that carbon dioxide was never there before and will remain up there forever
12:40 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: That's not at all what I'm saying.
12:40 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: Okay then.
12:40 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: For our sake, and for your own at this point
12:40 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: What ARE you saying
12:41 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: I'm saying that humans need to change before it comes to that.
12:41 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: Change what
12:41 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: Stop pumping carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
12:41 AM - Zerø✪CooLᅠ: How?
12:41 AM - Zerø✪CooLᅠ: Explain how.
12:41 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: No.
12:41 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: Ignore Zero.
12:42 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: What will us not pumping carbon dioxide into the air accomplish?
12:42 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: Make solar, wind, water, and other power sources more widespread.
12:42 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: Get it through people's heads that driving a hummer is not a good idea.
12:42 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: I repeat.
12:42 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: What will us stopping that accomplish?
12:42 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: What's the end result?
12:43 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: Well, the planet will stop getting markedly hotter. Temperature levels will start moving back towards normal.
12:43 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: Are you saying it'll stop the ice age?
12:43 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: Or prevent it?
12:43 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: Or even delay it?
12:43 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: (Or rather put it back on it's normal course)
12:43 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: It'll stop the global warming-induced, more immediate ice age.
12:43 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: If we put it back on its normal course, we can survive.
12:44 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: So we add a few more years to humanity's era
12:44 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: Then what.
12:44 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: Then what do we do when it hits.
12:44 AM - Cirnux: ugggghhhh, this is making me remember when I thought I was cool, on a mission to stop the planet's destruction... I was banned from many places, mostly for sounding like I was 12 or something
12:44 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: We're not going to survive a "lesser" ice age.
12:44 AM - Cirnux: which wasnt far from my age at the time XD
12:45 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: WAIT.
12:45 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: WAIT.
12:45 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: BACK THE FUN BUS THE FUCK UP.
12:45 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: Ideally, we start colonizing outwards. Once we figure out how to not destroy our homes, other planets aren't far from our grasp.
12:45 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: It's a stupid idea to drive a Hummer in the vast majority of situations (read: what 99% of Hummer owners use them for).
12:45 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: So
12:46 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: What do you suggest driving.
12:46 AM - Cirnux: Ban if you say the H word
12:46 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: Something that doesn't burn shit-tons of gas.
12:46 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: Actually, yes, Cir.
12:46 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: I planned on that.
12:46 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: Like what, Tewi.
12:47 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: My cat is so warm right now.  He thinks I am too, but he's wrong.
12:47 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: I dunno. Hydrogen fuel cell technology is really coming along, but that's still a few years off.
12:48 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji loom
12:48 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: Really, a Camry would be fine.
12:48 AM - Cirnux: wrong H word, okuu
12:48 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: What about
12:48 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: Say.
12:48 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: I dunno.
12:48 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: They get, what, 3 times the milage of a Hummer?
12:48 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: Something like a Prius.
12:48 AM - Cirnux: >Prius
12:48 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: Hybrid cars are nice. Electric cars are nice, but still really expensive.
12:48 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji LOOM.
12:49 AM - Cirnux: OMG he said it
12:49 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: And you just sealed this ban.
12:49 AM - Wriggle Nightbug: `~`
12:49 AM - Cirnux: What a dumbass
12:50 AM - Cirnux: so how long till we see him again?
12:50 AM - Zerø✪CooLᅠ:
12:50 AM - Zerø✪CooLᅠ: Ooh, it was this
12:50 AM - Zerø✪CooLᅠ: I liked this.
12:50 AM - Zerø✪CooLᅠ: Too bad the popsci site loads like ass.
12:50 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: he may not come back.  I don't think he thinks this ban is legit.
12:52 AM - Zerø✪CooLᅠ: There was a discussion by a university professor that i'm trying to find
12:52 AM - Zerø✪CooLᅠ: That pretty much confirmed my loss in faith for humanity
Wriggle Nightbug entered chat.
12:53 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: There will be no more global warming debate in this chat.
12:53 AM - Utsuhо Rеiuji: That is all.
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