Having three weeks alone is kind of boring.
However, several things make it more interesting, e.g. having people provide me with interesting math: Harrison gave me a copy of a paper on incidence algebras that I read today, which was pretty damn interesting. Generalizing something that can encapsulate the Riemann zeta function and chromatic polynomials? Badass.
I managed to get my Facebook graph into Mathematica. Results:
- There are people (besides me, of course) who are connected to everybody else (ignoring the four isolated vertices) by at most four degrees of separation. These people are almost exactly the set of Intel finalists in my friends list, unioned with Ofir (HCSSiM '06), and one person who I don't think likes me very much, so I'll omit her name (though she does like graph theory).
- Besides the four people with no other mutual friends, no two people are separated by more than seven degrees of separation.
- Frequency of separations in people-pairs
Cool embedding
Oh, while I'm here -- if anybody has any projects they want to spring on me, or have wanted me to work on for a while, now would be an *excellent* time..graph subisomorphisms, perhaps? *ahem* I have copious free time, for the last time in a while.
Also, I need access to somebody who doesn't have specialized knowledge in computer science, and the free time and the interest to study something computer-sciency but extraordinarily awesome in the mathematics, computer science, philosophy, and physics senses. First-year calculus course preferred as background, with linear algebra optional but useful.
If you _are_ computer-science specialized -- that is, you have knowledge of what P and NP are aforehand -- then ask me privately for a link, and don't give it away to other people. I want to see how total nonspecialists without outside help handle some really interesting material that I think is appropriately accessible.