Apr 01, 2008 19:12
....wow. Just....wow.
So I managed to get my hands on an internet connection today (I`m currently in a bar w/ wifi in Fougeres) and, first things first, went off to check my decisions for all the colleges I applied to.
I got waltlisted EVERYWHERE. Not denied; oh heavens no, but waitlisted. I especially loved their impersonal "Oh, yes, you're a very good student - but we've got plenty of students that fit that description. We're not waitlisting you because we think you're a bad student; it's because we're confident in your ability to get accepted elsewhere! Toodle pip!" ...and what if I didn't get accepted elsewhere?!
Perchance I exagerate, I did get accepted to RPI. But still, I`m rather annoyed, especially at the fact that even safety schools - schools with SAT scores 200 points below mine and GPAs I pat people on the back for waitlisted me. Hell, I got waitlisted fron McGill, and it has a 60% admission rate. Bah, if they think that rejecting me will do anything to deflate my ego; they`re sorely mistaken. Besides, I like RPI - visited it twice, and they gave me a pretty scholarship for academic achievement. I suppose I`ll probably be going there.
In other news - France!
The weather has been rather typical of the region I`m in so far, ie, it`s rained/hailed every day except today thus far, not that its stopped distracted us from our quintessential French pastime - eating!
So far, my schedule has invloved me waking up after noon every day, eating lunch for ~1:30 hours, enjoying random touristic actvities, talking with family, and generally lazing about.
The only noteworthy thing we`ve done so far has been going down to the coast to visit ny cousin a work - she only gets one break over the course if the entire year, although it is 2 months long - and shopping/sightseeing in that general area, which was rather amusing. Wow, I forgot that ny aunt and uncke also got married >>
We plan on going to visit an amusement park soon as well, and I'm not sure quite else...
That's all I have to report so far, miss you guys (especially a certain special someone <3)
Several notes, however:
1. Meg, the not-so-subtle hint in the previous post was to tell you jokingly, so as to avoid exasperastion, that your address was misplaced and that I*ll need it again if you want me to send you a postcard . Especially since there was a cat-specific boutique in the area we visited (closed, unfortunately, though im certain there was a cat on the ceiling)
2. If you want something specific/would like something from France, tell me - I'll try ny best to get it for you. Silence = laziness on my part and cheap chocolate for the lot of you.
3. I detest french keyboards. it is at fault for all the mistkes in this post. That, and (this is pointed at lia): yes, autocorrect in firefox is wonderful...if youre typing in the same language. Thank goodness this doesnt have autocorrect.
So...next update is probable, though I dont exactly know when. I,d like to know how you guys are doing though ^^
And with that, im off.
So, it*s unsure when