Good Grief!

Feb 02, 2007 11:32

Good grief... the baby has gotten so darn active lately that it feels like I have the entire troupe of Riverdance in my belly.  Don't get me wrong, every movement means she's thriving, but DANG.  I don't remember either of the boys being this active but it has been 10 and 12 years so I have probably developed amnesia about it.  The funny part is that the baby apparently hears my alarm, or the movement I make to hit snooze gets her started, because every morning as soon as the alarm goes off, she's bouncing around like nuts in there.  It's such a regular thing that I realized halfway to work this morning that she *hadn't* done that, so I went and drank some juice and sure enough, breakdancing baby.  Guess she was just sleeping late.

J1 had a checkup scheduled for today (along with his tetanus booster shot) but when Bear got there, they had to reschedule for this afternoon because most of their staff hadn't made it to work yet because of the weather.  Our roads weren't that bad because all of yesterday's wintery mix that was predicted ended up being just snow.  There was some ice due to yesterday's melt and refreeze, but the main roads were all sanded.  Darn roads are too hilly here not to be.  Bear said it was a little slick getting home since that's the uphill route.

The boys had fun in what little snow we got, making rather a dirty little snowman yesterday (it kept picking up grass and leaves with so little snow) but they had better success this morning because we had about 2 inches in the front and back yards for them to play with.  They made snow angels and had a snowball fight.  One of these years we are going to take them on a winter vacation somewhere with real snow so they can really have fun in it.

Found out the ex-bosslady has a job outside the old company now, so I left her a voice mail on her cell phone to try to track down the missing W2.  Can't talk to anyone at the old company, because the W2 in question is for their sister company that's closed and none of them had anything to do with it.  Makes me wonder if ex-bosslady even bothered to get the old W2s done if finances are so downhill that she's had to get a regular job now.

j1, l3, j2

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