Nov 29, 2005 07:47
Thanks to a lot of nose-to-the-grindstone editing over the holiday weekend, Nici and I finished off all the anthology slush and under review stories but the final five. I'm replying to one of those this morning, and as soon as the last two of the last four are settled on, we'll have our final lineup. Well, that's pending one last author replying to an anthology change request. If I don't hear from her by December 1, 2005, I'll assume she isn't interested and go forward without her piece. I'm just hoping we have enough illustrations. I don't think I'll be able to get anything for the last few pieces. No one works that fast, and one of the deadlines we're up against is getting manuscript proofs to the Year's Best editors by their deadline - Dec. 15th.
One source of editorial amusement? I'm running out to Table of Contents room in the Animal Magnetism anthology, since it has so many short-length stories. Southern Comfort, by contrast, has a much shorter TOC, due to longer stories and fewer poems.
To my two proofreaders... if I get word from my co-editor on her choices for the final lineup in Animal Magnetism, I will distribute your copies to start trolling through the text by the end of the week. They will not have all of the final artwork, but I'm confident I can insert that without goofs or typos. ;-)
We had a sweet little artwork piece that needs some sort of story to accompany it, but I keep getting stuck when I work on the idea perking up in the back of my mind. Deadlines don't work well with my short stories, I'm afraid.
GAH. Editorial intro needs to be written. How'd I let that one slip off my to-do list? Oops!