Went home and began developing a massive migraine while cooking supper. Finished the spaghetti and crawled into bed to leave everyone to fend for themselves. Was woken sometime after eight by household playing hide-and-seek from the cat. Cat was finally put in bed with me and household went off to do something else. Cat laid in the middle of my back and we fell asleep. Slept til 5:30, when hubby woke me up by asking "Are you awake?".
So today I feel like I've been through the wringer. Sensitive eyes, head, neck. But I'm at work, because I figured folks want to be paid... Aleve is my best friend.
We're trying to find a cat food that Lila-kitty will eat without fuss. I think her "stray days" are still showing, as she begs endlessly for table food and wants to ignore her kitty food. This cat will eat spaghetti noodles, lima beans, cereal, etc. We'd tried a couple of types of canned when we first got her, but she ignored them, and seemed resigned to her dry food with the occasional grilled scraps of meat from our meals. Hubby made a run to the store this morning and picked up a variety. She appears to really, really like Whiskas chicken pate, judging by how much of she ate before she stopped for breath. Maybe she just didn't like whatever it was we had back then (wasn't Whiskas).
Pass the Potato - gacked from
shrivedheart. Cute.