Oct 03, 2008 12:15
Got the first kill of my Army career last night. My M249 SAW gunners laid waste to an entire floor, wasting the insurgent fucker pinning down some Iraqi Police with only a pistol. Basically evened the score after he killed an Iraqi Policeman. It was a long and painful day, but we made it through; no friendly casualties and our mission for the night was accomplished. One less turd burglar on the streets now. Rounded up his four brothers who were helping him too. Fucker.
In other news, we're down to a shade less than four months left in this shithole. Woo sah. Family isn't doing so hot, as Mom and Liz are both looking for work and down on their luck. Liz also got into an accident, and will probably be feeling ill-effects for a while. Just know that my love and prayers are with you always, you two.
And to Sonya, thanks for keeping me updated on the homefront, Josh, music, our four-legged child and your situation. I love you and hope you're doing as well as you can. Just keep swimming. Almost there.