Apr 18, 2007 16:40
In the midst of all the chicanery and flagrant idiocy running rampant in my everyday life, I found myself in Commando's the other day, taking care of some business purchases when I noticed the Virginia Tech had been put on lockdown. Turns out some fucknut decided to whack his ex-girlfriend, the guy who was banging her, and then himself. I didn't care. I found out that he also iced 30 other people. Still, my care-o-meter reads a big fat zero. Don't hate me because you think I'm some terrible monster, insensitive prick, or hateful bastard. I'm not condoning this behavior. I just find it funny that it took this long for someone to rack up that many kills in a classroom setting. Shit, Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris didn't rack up half that, and they had automatic weapons! Yet again, the Asians come out more efficient...
So, while I'm in class later that day, our instructor is teaching a class on room-clearing. A buddy of mine turns to me and asks, "How many people does it take to clear a room?"
I shrugged.
"One, if you're at Virginia Tech!"
We had a good laugh. Does that mean we condone the behavior of this psychotic lunatic? No. That's just how a lot of us deal with shit like this.
Do you think we condone the behavior of all soldiers who share our mission? Of course not. Do us a favor and quit condemning what we're doing overseas and let us win. The fact that you don't want us to be there and hate what we're there for (or what you THINK we're there for) is hindering our progress. It's a real morale-killer for the troops that you claim to support. As retired Lieutenant Colonel Russell told us the other day, "It's like supporting the baker but boycotting his bread."
It's like Vietnam all over again...Just because you don't want our guys (and gals) over there, doesn't mean that they don't have to get up every morning (after about two hours of sleep) and deal with the fact that they are there.
Do us a favor, America. Let us win.