
Dec 04, 2009 02:53

I really suppose I ought to be grateful to him.

I wasn't afraid to test my formula on myself before - let me clarify that; there was no actual fear involved. I was merely too cautious, valuing my intellect too much to endanger it in any way. Of course, that was a foolish concern. I should have trusted myself, should have understood that I don't have the limits of ordinary men.

Fear is power. I knew that, already, but I had forgotten the primal strength one can find in the grip of that force, if one is strong enough, if one truly knows fear. Otherwise, fear makes a person its puppet, to dance in senseless, frenzied circles. I know fear, and through that fear, I become invincible. Through the power of fear, I control those who do not know it, and nobody, nobody knows it as well as I.

This is what the compound unlocked in me, this cold fire of knowledge, this hideous strength. This is what the Bat-Man unleashed on the world of ungrateful fools when he attempted to turn my own creation against me. I stumbled then, but I have not fallen.

The Bat-Man showed me the way. Mankind is not ready to be rid of its disease. It must be made to see how sick it is before it is willing to accept my gift of a cure. It must be brought completely down, and then, then it may be raised. I will show the world the terrible power of fear before I become its savior.

Perhaps I will start with the Bat-Man to thank him.


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