Jun 22, 2007 13:07
After a three day ear/jaw ache I went to see the Dentist guessing that I needed a whole filled, the hassles of finding a NHS dentist and the semi-con I heard the dentist pulling while I was there was bloody annoying. It turned out not to be my teeth but the dentist though it was a sinus infection and I should go to my doctors . . .
The doctor decided it was a trap nerve and not sinus, and decided to proscribe me stuff that works as a "nerve pain killer" as a side effect, it also had a number of other fun side effects including making your mussels prone to tensing up and light sensitivity.
So next day I have pain and ear ache a bit like three / four back teeth have holes in them, and eye going funny and not able to move my neck. This meant that I ended up in hospital over night while they made sure it was not something worse. The hospital doctors confirmed that it was just sinuses tried not to say "why the hell did the doctor not just proscribe you pain killers and antibiotics and sent me home the next day. So now I have five box's of meds to take.
Real question is why the heck the first doctor did not just do that in first place ?