Apr 13, 2005 10:13
The days gone by. The bite tips the hand. The drawing relieves the life. The destiny calls out forth in its vanquished fuel. Torn below, asunder roar. Gaze upon these starlit eyes and know true cherished words from dwelled within the soul.
The days gone by, but not forgotten. The memories flourished and never spoken. The times of reckoned and never tripped, the light fantastic and never lost hope. The eternal bliss reeks of happiness and to home it calls me. Forever more is this destiny. For men are born, and men do die, but our legend lives on.
It's from here the decision thus be made. The days gone by and lost once again become new, fresh for all the world to see. Today tis the stage we set. Tomorrow brings forth the fruits of our labor. A weekends journey stands tall, and I await the arrival of it all....
How I miss you....those memories never gone. My true family. For this may yet be the year, as I reminisce through such days, that I come home.
Be wary the hunters, and stable thy night dwellings. Be calm thy burdens and harsh thy enemy. Be warm in thy sun and cold in thy rain. Together again, we clutter the streets. Together again, we huddle our heat. Together again, we make mockery at the fools of those weary from long travel, to give them back something in return. Happiness for a brief moment. Together again.