Resuming some awkward kisses~

Aug 24, 2011 11:09

When we last left Bruno and Z-ONE...
[Fidgets, standing there awkwardly, not knowing what to say as usual.] Z-Z-one, I...uhm...
Mn? [He looks up at Antinomy. Once again, Yusei, the man of few words.]
[He stares at him forever before remembering that he was going to say something] --ah! I mean... uhm...

[He bites his lip. And then there was Antinomy, the guy who fumbled with all of his words. He'd been crushing on Z-one pretty much since the day he'd saved him from the Grannels. He always figured he'd keep that little thought to himself but... here they were. Antinomy had been trying to put a move on Z-one all night, but he was always terrible at initiating anything, especially if it involved Z-one. Something about him just made him trip over his own two feet. He decided after a moment though that it was now or never, so he leaned down to steal that kiss he’d been wanting--

--cue a rather loud thunderclap, followed by a blanket of rain pouring from the sky. Fantastic. ]
[Z-one looks at Antinomy, not entirely sure what was going on. Of course he's observant, and he knew that Antinomy was trying to do something but he wasn't fully sure of what.

But just as it starts to rain, Z-one grabs Antinomy's hand] Come on. [and he pulls him off to find shelter!]
[sdogjisodgjios of course it had to rain RIGHT THEN. And there went all of Antinomy's confidence as he is dragged off through the sudden storm. Good thing Z-one is in front of him, because he is wearing the most embarassed face right now.]

--what about that over there? [He points to an awning of a run down shop. It's the future, nothing is nice here.]
[Trudging along through the rain, Zone follows Antinomy's suggestion and they find cover under the awning.

He looks at Antinomy. He considers asking what was on his mind before the sudden storm but the heavy rain is loud against the thin metal. He could barely think let alone ask a question.]
[Antinomy's face is currently the brightest shade of red it could possibly get. A freak out for what he was about to do is imminent, made worse by the fact that he didn't even get to do it. He's looking everywhere but at Z-one, trying not to make eye contact.]
[Is he...blushing? Z-one can't be sure. He's decided to just wait until the rain passes and then start talking.

In the mean time, his gaze shifts back to the heavy rain.]
[Antinomy glances back at Z-one, then quickly looks back at the rain. Then back at Z-one...--no, rain! Stare at the rain, Antinomy. Rain is good. Staring at your friend like that is bad.

....his head turns back to Z-one again. Fffff, dammit.]
[Z-one has this feeling, and he turns to look at Antinomy. Right as he's looking at Z-one. Is something wrong? It's obvious that there is something on Antinomy's mind. Maybe he should ask before the rain stops...]
[Antinomy gets a sudden jolt of courage and swoops down, kissing Z-one on the lips. He's unintentionally a bit forceful due to how quick the motion was, obviously inexperienced kisser is obvious.]
[Well, he didn't expect that. Z-one takes half a step back, he's that shocked, but their lips are still together. It takes a few seconds, but he leans in to kiss back.

Was this what bothered Antinomy all this time? ]
[He lets his lips linger for a bit longer on Z-one's before suddenly pulling back, horrified look on his face.]

--oh my god Z-one I am SO sorry, I- I don't know what came over me!! Uhm I-- I'm sorry!![screams, flails, OHGOD WHAT DO.]
[--oh. Well, that was a shame. He doesn't go back to looking at the rain, however. He's staring right at Antinomy.]

...Did you want to?
[This has probably been the most embarassing moment of Antinomy's life, and he gets embarassed about a lot of things. He's staring back at Z-one, looking like he wants to jump off a cliff right now.]

I, uhm-- I... y-yes.

[Silence for a few seconds. Zone is just staring at him. It's hard to tell whether or not he's judging Antinomy or challenging him or...welcoming him to try again.]

...Do you want to again?
[Oh god. Oh god. Is this a trick question? What if Z-one's mad at him for what he did? What if he hates him now? Antinomy had to fight off the urge to flee, since Z-one had just asked him a question. He was incapable of not answering Z-one's every command. He was predestined to be a robot one day.]

I... ye-- I mean --if you want to?
[Z-one looks up at him and steps closer. A finger moves up and teases under his chin.]

I didn't ask if I wanted to, Antinomy... [Suddenly balls?]
He gulps, staring down at Z-one. He actually wasn't mortified? Really? Antinomy was expecting to be berated or punched or shoved off a cliff or anything that wasn't positive feedback. Antinomy need's some confidence, seriously.]

O-oh... uhm s-sure--I mean yes--I mean...

[He's crying inside.]
[Z-one looks up at Antinomy. Of course, this isn't easy since he's the shorter of the two but he guides the blue haired boy's head down just enough to kiss him again.]
mmph-!! [Z-one kissing him back was definitely not on the list of expected reactions either, but he closes his eyes and deepens the kiss anyways, his arms nervously wrapping around Z-ones waist.]

And now back to your regularly scheduled programming :)
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