i have decided that everytime i post a song or a song goes into my Music Playing area that im going to put it up on my file transfer section on my aim name. so if there is a song you dont know or want just right click my AIM (which is ArkcaneX) and get it.
i always feel that people keep me at arms length, that there is something wrong with me because people kinda seem to avoid me. i dont know... but for those people who did not exclude me from what they were doing
This is for the people who included me on friday, i always get very alone because i end up spending fridays alone because no one invites me to stuff. Jenny always invites me to do stuff with her. she always takes time to give me alittle love. wendi who always is there to listen and to love me, and carol who infects me with good humor. somedays i just need love, so thank you. My Current Music is for you guys, and yes you can download it. so once again thanks. and thanks for dealing with my inability to make pop corn, i still smell it on me ewww.