Jan 06, 2008 12:33
v briefly coz to be honest i'm STARVING and if there is anything that will drag me away from the internets it is the need to eat, goddamnit
went to paris, it was cold and damp and full of 1. tourists and 2. parisians and wot was worse i couldn't tell you, but to be honest je preferre londres (london) and not only because i can speak the language, but i went to monmartre and lots of chocolate shops and had crepes, so that was okay.
flying out tomorrow, not looking forward to it AT ALL not because i don't want to come home (MANGOES) but because spending that long on an aeroplane could only be made worse if i was situated next to a person both corpulent and smelly who had a need to talk to me in a heavy accent. since hopefully i'll be sitting next to my mother none of this will occur, but still. actually i lie, i watched three and a bit films on the was to dubai, i'm sure i could round off seeing everything i missed at the cinema on the way to sydney again. and i have a new book i'm saving for the flight.
d'you know what was really strange? i've been in france/french-speaking cantonales of switzerland for about a month and suddenly finding myself in an english-speaking environment. of course all my family spoke english at home but to be out and ask for a latte, please or two to turnham green instead of une cafe creme, s'il vous plait and hello and thanks and goodbye instead of merci bien et bonjour et au revior....
catching myself saying excusez-moi in crowds (knightsbridge, yesterday afternoon, first weekend of the Harrods sale) and pardon and still speaking to my mother in french. actually what is remarkable is that one of my step-aunts, whose flat above my grandmother's we're staying in, is deaf and can not only lip-read in english but also in french, and when you start thinking about it and mouthing words to yourself in the mirror it's bloody difficult to do in any language.
re:skiing, had what my cousin toby calls your 'epiphany' on the last day and finally i worked out how and why people ski, because it's bloody terrifying in a fun way and doesn't have to be painful, unless you're his friend cyrus who swerved to miss a kid and broke his thumb in three places. i am completely uninjured, except for a couple of bruises, which is fabulous. and i shall probably do it again (treff, if you're reading: what was skiing with uni like? can i come too?)
SO HUNGRY going to have lunch and then go to the tate and see the turners. lady goddess knows what i'm doing tomorrow morning but heathrow on the tube tomorrow afternoon, and i can SEE minto train station in my mind's eye as i saw it eleven months ago, shimmering slightly in the heat and the promise of home only a few minutes away.