Jun 07, 2004 20:40
"Hey" I thought "I feel kinda out of the loop, it might be good to be sociable again, hell, if Will's Journal is any indication, it may even inspire me to be creative again, despite my definite lack of misery - and that would be super!" (I didn't actually say "super" it was probably something more akin to "fuckin' cool" but "super" is just such a fantastic word... And I watched too much Queer Eye For The Straight Guy last night... It was super. And now I am tainted with excessive exclamatory verbage.)
But now I'm sitting here staring at the screen, over-whelmed by the prospect of all the effort & learning involved - much how I feel when I attempt to work on my long overdue website, which, a year later is still greeting me with "Welcome to your new web site - this page is a place holder for your future website" everytime I go to check out everything that I haven't been doing. See, I like pretty things (check out my wife), I want my things to be both pretty and cool... Moreso "Cool" than "Pretty"... I DON'T want to have to spend hours and hours to make them pretty (have a look at yours truly), nor do I want to spend even more countless hours learning how to spend the many hours to make something pretty...
Hence this journal is currently so simple and plain and boring and ugly... And already I'm out of patience...
Current Lame-O-Meter: Off The Charts