Jul 13, 2005 17:59
Today started out so terrible. Being married can be tough. We don't get our food stamps until Friday, so I am trying to put off buying any groceries until then. So, Erik decided to through this huge fit and verbally abuse the crap out of me, because he didn't think there was anything to eat, when actually there was soup, potatoes, oatmeal, salad, carrots, and celery....sounds like enough to eat to me. But he didn't want any of that, he wanted cereal, but there wasn't any milk. So, he through a fit!! And I ended up leaving for work 15 minutes early and slamming the door.....Then this afternoon, on his way home on his bike, a lady pulled out and hit him!!! He wasn't hurt, but it knocked him down in the middle of the street!! I had no idea, because I was at work, he could have died and we parted ways this morning mad! When I got home, he said that he was sorry for being a jerk this morning and told me what had happened...I cried.
Hey, Carol! I work outside all day building trail, hanging fences, and moving 80lbs bags of concrete and rocks...In the 100++ degree heat of Texas!!!! And we don't ever run the AC. Guess it was wrong to think that I couldn't survive corn, because I'm doing just fine, and know I'm all buff and stuff.