Apr 17, 2022 20:17
Trying to find documentation to justify to the state of Texas why they should continue granting enough of a Medicaid stipend tokeep my mom safe & off the street, i stumbled into the PDF of my last LJ archive pull, and promptly fell down ancient rat holes of thither and yon.
Man, i really kept rather busy, once.
Now i live a pretty quiet life with a man who wouldn’t like much me posting anything remotely personal, and a kid who doesn’t deserve to have thier privacy broken by me- they’ll be more than enough time for that on her own.
So now, i have no real stories to share, save those already told. The link aggregate sites I drew from so heavily are long gone- the web ain’t what it once was. Elsewhere, i tried blogging again on my own and ran into the same issues, without even remembering well exactly what once I had been doing.
“They begged me for eternal life; I gave them perpetual motion; in the end, it’s the same.”
Now it’s very quiet. In truth adjusting to the Covid quarantines was rather easy personally, as i wasnt really doing all that much at the time. Heh.
Still- dead is dead; alive is much better, je? I will see what new stories i have yet left to make.