
Jan 27, 2010 15:48

while Apple's new iPad is not quite disappointing to me as it is, I must admit to a degree of underwhelment by it's rather basic feature set. Yes, by appearances it's very well built & aggressively priced, but in sum it's little more than an oversized iTouch, right down to the lack of a camera. Still using AT&T, still no wireless sync, still using a closed OS (which has it's good points, but also many bad ones), down to having to use an adaptor to read SD cards, cause they couldn't accommodate a built in slot. Even the dock is disappointing, as why should I buy a custom dock that requires a built in keyboard, when I have a perfectly good Bluetooth keyboard pending delivery from Amazon right now? Oh right, the Bluetooth stack built into the iPhone OS is still crippled out of the box, and unlike back when I was on my 5 year old Palm Treo, I can't go buy a third party update to enable the desired functionality because, well, Apple won't let me.

Maybe it's me just recovering from post keynote withdrawal; certainly, there was an enormous amount of speculation beforehand with many intriguing ideas put forth this time around. Things such as special gesture features, built in tuners for radio/HD, haptic controls built onto the back where your fingers hold the device, built in user recognition, and collaborative family oriented functions mean to make it the centerpiece in a digital home. None of these seemed likely, but maybe... hopeful?

Well, more hopeful than an oversized iTouch anyway. It's a good enough start, i guess, but the only personal value I can see in it as it is would be as Beth's first computer...


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