I just got this comment on the blog:
hello, do you time again ogle a hentai stream? I like to watch hentai identical ordinarily grounds i like the hentai stream, a hentai stream is good.
do you time again mind to a hentai stream?
Last week, my boss and I got similar email spam, except, as you'll see:
To: Cynthia
You got the captian of the Enterprise. I got the former President of the United States.
His problem seems to be more specific than Kirk's...
From: Clinton
Sent: June 8, 2009 4:13 AM
To: Chris
Subject: You're officially "in" now
Hi Pierdon Its me, Clinton
You will never need other pharma-stores, when you see our prices! Yes, we got -40% for men's performance boosting right now
http://www.qukxoven.cn/ My version...
From: Kirk
Sent: Monday, June 08, 2009 4:48 AM
To: Cynthia
Subject: You're officially "in" now
Hi Nasso Its me, Kirk
Need some rare pills? Just place your order here and we will deliver everything you need fast