Oct 01, 2005 07:54
Rain clouds sweep across the morning skies
Thunder rolls across the plains
Lightning cracks the heavens asunder
Heralding the dawn.
From the land of the Vikings he came
The land of Beowulf, the land of the Dane
To the shores of the New World
To the beginning of a New Life
In this land he grew
Through happiness and sorrow, through hardship and prosperity
Following his heart and his faith
To become the man he was to be
In the skies he fought
Against the evil that darkened the world
Heeding his country's call for freedom
From North Africa to Normandy
With his hands he toiled
When wars work was over and done
To build a life and loving home
With blood, sweat and calloused hands
He was always there to aid another
To lend his hand and mind
To give his faith and kindness
With a smile and gentle laugh
And as the years passed I came to know him
From boy to man I grew
And came to realize the simple truth
Of how much there is of him in me
Now the rain clouds sweep across the skies
As thunder rolls across the plains
The Lightning cracks the heavens asunder
As the Dawn rises to see him home.
For Harold Sorenson
Died: October 1st, 2005
Go with honor to the halls of your fathers, grandfather, the Danes await with a place for you at their banquet hall.