Sons of Anarchy 4.10 "Hands"

Nov 10, 2011 18:00

One: there's a lot of stuff around about how powerful this ep was, emotionally - but I can't get past the Really Bad Soapie Dialogue/Plot Devices telling us what we've already been shown. These characters talk too much to be genuinely affecting, imho. Caveat: Tara losing it and screaming at Jax was *good*. Fresh and real-feeling and about bloody time. A Jax who sticks around (whether heading the Sons or not) backed by a potentially sour and destructive Tara could be very interesting indeed.

Two: Gemma/Clay, jesus. Horrible and wonderful all rolled in together. Perlman's been given an unfortunate amount of moustache-twiddling to do recently - another victim of Ye Awful Dialogue - but he has an enduring ability to Rise Above; all that physical business stuff, the presence he does so well. Talking out the emotions on top of that always risks self-parody - and less would have been a great deal more in the last few eps, imho. But ...all is redeemed. As stomach-twistingly awful as seeing Clay lay into Gemma was, it was right; it was perfect; it was a bloody wonderful fight and chase and kill. We need him to be gone, narratively - gone somewhere he can't come back from. Clay's bloody hard not to forgive - no matter what he does, one still wants him to lead the pack (because he can, imho). We're used to him being a ruthless asshole - and now, an increasingly violently blinkered one. So there isn't a lot he can do to alienate us.

Given the strength of the Gemma/Clay partnership, especially the blacker aspects, I think him hurting her that way, with that **degree** of focused intent, was probably the **only** thing Sutter could have Clay do that would sever the audience's emotional ties with him.

I didn't think we could get from Statesmanlike!Clay to Gone!Clay without some kind of twisted noble sacrifice thing, something spun Clay's way - now, I'm not so sure. Let's see him burn, boys, and his rep with him. (But not by Jax's hand... when he goes, I want him to go hard, and I want Opie or Tig to do it; they're the only two emotionally satisfying candidates imho. Jax wouldn't be right - (a) it'd be too soapie, and (b) he hasn't the right, really, not the way Opie does - or Tig (for the sheer scale of the betrayal of the Club - right now Tig and Chibs and maybe Bobby are the only real Sons - the only real representatives of What That Means - left)). Fuck the JT backstory, let's see Tig get his "you're not one of us" freak on, on Clay - it'd be terrible, and frightening, and done with love, goddamnit. It needs to be done with love, not some stupid filial shoehorn.

(People are talking Otto up as a candidate, but meh. Nowhere near as satisfying imho).

Three: Unser at Piney's. The fuck *claps hands in delight*... oh, I wish we'd seen more. But, less is more, whatever - I think they got it just right, what a lovely evocative little glimpse into What He Will Do For... whatever. What a truly wonderful character he is.

television, telly, sons of anarchy, wibble

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