Sep 24, 2011 19:04
Slow miserable weather; matches hubby, who's been not himself for about three weeks now with lots of time off and acheybone. Am being very good and not saying a word about how much better he might have been if he'd just gone to the damn doc for once in his life.
Reorganised/cleaned/moved mess around in room, in preparation for studying again. Have achieved bugger-all, really, but - hey, floor! and found old fic I've been putting off editing. Must get back to that, yes.
Saw Suicide Club last night - unrated version by the look of it. Beautiful, grotesque, stylish, interesting, haven't got a fucking clue what it was on about. WTF. But in a good way, I think, in that it's Of Interest even without any explanation. I can forgive a lot for the sheer thunderous rolling shock of it. And "Genesis" was delightful :) bow ties glitter!psychos are cool.
On which note: finally getting around to Buffy. Saw a few eps of s1 when it came out, as all the allenrd blokes were calling it the closest thing to Who in years, etc, but never really pursued it (TV with ads in, yada).
I can sort of see their point - nice pace, no faffing about with justifications, vampire stuff more interesting than I thought it would be... although that said, the monster-face stuff kinda damps the scare quotient.
Gellar is, I will agree, enjoyably watchable. Supporting cast universally irritating apart from Brian Thompson (Luke FTW!) and Anthony Stuart Head. Willow's weird widow's-peak is freaking me out. As to the others - it's very hard to suspend disbelief - as ever, the "high school kids" all look like uni students, so the lack-of-world-experience and school-centrism doesn't really ring true. Is there some rule about not using actual teenagers to play teens or something...?
Verdict so far: I'll give it another couple of eps but unless there's an improvement in the nasty magic killing : schoolie ratio, I'm switching to Blackstone.