Feb 22, 2011 12:43
Is it just me, or is Big Love season 4 just one big daft mess that makes no sense whatsoever within the overall series? (and on a related note: can Bulgy-Eyed Daughter get any creepier? honest to god, I just want to slap her all the time for being so buggy and white and clueless. See also Barb The Terminally Sanctimonious).
Only good point so far: Capable Handywoman Nicki sequences, and the rather batshit Albie substory. Oh, and the occasional Roman hallucination on Albie's part. JJ's all very well, but without Roman/an effective compound presence this is just another soap about a bunch of affluent white people with family problems.
Much better. Fit for work again, according to doctor; physio pleased on the whole but has confirmed something I'd always suspected - I have dodgy hamstrings and am not as flexible as I should be, ordinarily, so as he puts it There Is Work To Be Done. Which translates to Rotten lot of rotten exercises which make me feel rotten. And time-consuming, much? Five separate things to be done three to four times a day each, explicitly not all at the same time. Impossible to get any kind of concentration rolling.
Thankfully I'm working from home this week. Policies etc. Should probably get started on that - although... if I only technically work tomorrow and the day after (e.g. am only paid for 2 days), am I justified in not doing any today? Or is that just me justifying laziness? (to clarify: today is technically my day off).
Sister moving to house opposite Mum and Dad in a couple of weeks.