For future ref: pork thing and thing

Jun 22, 2009 22:42

Sea salt, black pepper, roasted cumin & coriander - pound. Slice pork fillet thinly along length; rub in spices; crush 4 cloves garlic & mix in; marinate in can tomatoes & little soy. Leave in fridge an hour or so. Boil potatoes & pumpkin lightly. Remove pork, drain, reserve sauce; slice crossways, cook over medium heat; add onion, zucchini, potato, pumpkin.


Still have flu; it's brought back the SOB. Not happy, but upright :)


Guess who didn't show up to work today either? No data on whether she's sick or sulking; claiming to have whooping cough despite no cold symptoms last week. Room Leader speculated quietly that Boss - who spent the day on-floor due to serious staff shortages - is going to say kindly, "you're not up to this job are you dear" and... oh, I dunno. Fingers crossed.


Finished The Wire s1. Resultwise: yay Stringer (tottie, what can I say; let's hope he turns up in s2); bit sad about Bubbles. Well, quite sad really. Want his shirts but :) especially that one he was wearing in the scene with McNulty. Fab wardrobe.


Hoping plethora of Kings and Skins communities will help me stuff my head with enough other nonsense to bump some House s5 stuff I really really didn't want to know. Hoping there's some really sadly smutty Rev Samuels/David out there to take my mind off it. Or... I dunno. Big Love fic, I'd be interested in that - probably gen SHOCK HORRA. Actually, that's not such a silly idea. Rewatching s1 at the moment - thank grud for Harry Dean Stanton. If he didn't exist we'd have to invent him.


Trigger finger OTOH wants to write Banlieue 13 fic. Silly digit.

recipes, the wire, house, work, telly, cinema, meme, cooking

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