Bla, meme, yada

Feb 17, 2008 18:04

Series 2 Tucker's Luck - still no Benny in sight, but at least there's a COC this time round (Ade). Bit peculiar series 1 didn't have *any*... On a TB note: blimey Lisa Geoghan looks young and O Look It's Graham Cole In Uniform. With lines, yet.

Meme - because I'm all hay-fever & joint pain after mowing 2 acres - nicked from augustuscaesar

01. Do you like your name? Never have, never will. The short form is acceptable, but I'll never be fond of the full. Way to go Mum.

02. Have you ever wished to be your opposite sex? I've always assumed I actually *am* of TOS and the bio bits just never got with the program. Yes would be the short answer.

03. If you were to have children, what would you name them? Hunter and Saxon if they were boys; never considered having gurls. Don't laugh.

04. Do you even like kids? Love'em. Probably because they're not mine and however bad it gets I can clock off. Being an actual Mum, being The Responsible Person 24/7 would bloody kill me and I have nothing but awe for those who choose to do it and do it well. *That's* heroic right there.

05. What time do you usually go to sleep on a weekday? On a weekend? Between eleven and midnight, if I'm disciplined; after midnight of a weekend unless I'm too whacked from the week.

06. What's your favorite word? Otiose.

07. Have you ever tYpED lYk dIs at some point in your life? Only when pretending to be George Garfield for talithax (it's a long story)

08. What's your dream career? Honestly? What I'm doing - childcare - only with a Special Needs bent. Mind you I might suck at it, who knows.

09. If you could be any other race, what would you be? Er, isn't the scientific position that "race" is an illusion, not objective fact? Or did I miss something? That said: my Ideal Me would look an awful lot like Benedict Wong :)

10. What are you listening to right now? Some decidedly dodgy cockney accents on Tucker's Luck series 2; hubby playing something from the Howard Moon school of jazz; bubbles in my bottle of Guinness going tink plink.

11. Grab any book by you, turn to page 69 and type out the last full sentence here: 'Me too. Something nice and mellow like Rose Pouchong.'

12. Do you like country music? Rap? Country - I guess I like what has become known as alt-country, and the stuff it's spawned: Jason and the Scorchers, Guadalcanal Diary, Lone Justice, Long Ryders, Jim Wurster, Drifted Cowboys, Black Janet, all that stuff. Oh, and Hank Williams, when I've had a bottle or two. But all that Kasey Chambers/Garth Brooks type stuff - eugh! Rap: mmm, Public Enemy still gets a spin or two a month round these parts, and I'm far too fond of Kid Rock for my own good. Other than that, not really. Rap with a point I like, rap which is just some bloke going on about his biggie dick and shooting people, fuck *off*.

13. How would you like to die? Oblivious to the fact it was happening.

14. Do you like taking pictures (not necessarily of yourself)? Yep; black and white for preference. I see form better than colour.

15. Do you use ":]" a lot? Nope - ;) ;p and >( is about my limit.

16. Are your neighbors annoying? They may well be. But as we're on a 2-acre block and so are they so we're far enough away from each other not to have to worry about it :)

17. Ice cream or popsicles? Ice cream, preferably home-made.

18. What was the last thing you drank? The first half of my bottle of Guinness :)

19. The last time you left your house? Where did you go? Today - with hubby and a copy of The Economist, for a leisurely, civilised Sunday lunch at a local cafe. Smoked lamb cutlets and caramelised mushroom with lightly pan-fried feta, mmmmmm

20. Are you loving life? Pretty much. It'll do for the moment.

21. Do you like the way you write? Handwriting? when I can be arsed doing it slowly, it's nice, otherwise unreadable. Or do you mean prose style? in which case generally, yeah, although I'm still criminally purple-prone at times and the word count between first and fifth draft generally halves :)

22. What's your favorite animal? nematodes!

23. How many times have you used the restroom today? Que? It wouldn't occur to me to keep count...

24. Are you hungry right now? No, although the influx of Guinness molecules is switching on my Wasabi Pea yen.

25. Turn on your TV (unless it's already on). What's playing? I can't be bothered, but given my defaults and the time it would be the News.

26. Do you like video games? Some. Shoot-em-ups bore me, fast-action games make me carsick, roleplaying/quest ones tend to pall way before I get anywhere, and I've never even got round to installing Vampire: Bloodlines 'cos the idea of having to know OMG this spell for that and this disclipline for this is just too intimidating. On the other hand, I SO want Spore when it comes out :) and I like the basic premise of Bioshock far more than is healthy. Mutate this, mutha!

27. What's your favorite Pokemon? Never seen it.

28. What was the last thing you watched on YouTube? A clip which purported to replicate the "Mosquito" teenage-loitering-dispersal technology in use by British authorities.

29. Are you cool with bugs? Pretty much. Snails no, crawlies yes.

30. Do you like Halloween? I like the idea of honouring the dead; the wholesale adoption of American commercialism thing because hey, kids see it on the telly: no.

31. What do you want for your birthday/Christmas? any Biggles book I don't have, and a copy of The Antisocial Behaviour of Horace Rumpole, 'cos you try buying hardbacks on a childcare salary.

32. Have you ever fasted? When required to by medics.

33. What's going on tomorrow? Work. Skins. The latest edition of The Economist. Getting to play with my two favourite remaining Toddlers during outside time, unless I get hauled in for more Evidence Filing.

34. Are you doing well in school? Not studying at the moment, which is a load off. Haven't practised my Dutch in a while (but am making up for it by teaching the kids Dutch songs...)

35. Do you have online friends? As far as I know :)

36. Do you think you're popular? No, but I'm very good at Alienating Folks :)

37. How much money's in your wallet? Christ, I dunno. Under $30? blew a fair bit on plants for the garden yesterday.

38. When was the last time you laughed really hard? While reading Winkie by Clifford Chase last week.

39. What's on the cover of your science binder? I still have my old high-school science book from 1984; it was, and indeed still is, covered in cut-out newspaper film posters for our local indie joint and scrawled all over with band names and terribly, *terribly* sincere anti-nuke wangst. (Does anyone else remember "Watusi Now"?)

40. Do you believe there's such thing as an non-racist person? To be honest, no. We're all ingrained with Fear (or distrust) of The Other to some degree, however that manifests and for whatever social reasons).

41. Do you pass on chain letters? No, but I have a lot of fun sending "debunking" links to people who send them to me.

42. What do you do for fun at home? Cook. Watch too much TV from my childhood/teen years. Garden. Cook more. Read. Fuck about online. Build Lego. Did I mention cook?

43. Can you wiggle your ears? Shouldn't think so. No.

44. Why did the chicken cross the road? Because nae other fucker would.

45. Do you like your voice? No.

46. Are you good at receiving/giving compliments? I tend to be socially awkward, but as long as it's all in writing only I can figure out nice things to say to people. Face to face: no chance. As for accepting them, I hate it 'cos then you've got to work out what to say in return.

47. Have you ever won a contest? No, but I got a very nice letter from Wyndhams when I was a kid. They'd been asking for some kind of wahoo slogan for a cask-capacity increase from 4L to 5L, and underage me wrote in pointing out that the company example ("25 percent more than other 4-litre casks") made no sense at all.

48. What are you using for your messenger avatar/icon? Don't use messenger/IRC - for the same reasons I keep my mobile switched firmly OFF :) Nothing could possibly be so urgent that you couldn't use the friggin' landline (or email) folks :)

49. Can you imitate something/someone well? My father trained us all in Eccles-speak at a young age :)

50. What's your favorite amusement park? None; I've never seen the point of them really. (Rides? crowds? no bookshops?)

51. Do you have any REAL autographs (not the cheap ones on posters!) of famous people? Yep. Photo cards by Jeff Stewart and Paul Usher (Reg and Des off The Bill); one from Katy Manning when she toured Canberra in the late 80s for a stage play; and a TARDIS "Police Public Call Box" sign a mate in the US sent me after getting Caroline John and Sylvester McCoy to sign it. Oh, and books I queued *ages* to get signed by Terry Pratchett and Kinky Friedman. Sad innit. EDIT: oh yes, and there's also the Huw Higginson/Tom Butcher/Russell Boulter autographs from the Lone Star tour :) god those were good days. I miss being that keen on something.

52. Do you cry easily? Not really, but I definitely enjoy a good cathartic bawl engineered by fiction or film. *love to Paul Cornell*

53. What's something you do at home that you don't do in public? Skank about in singlet and mini-sarong.

54. What do you think about boyfriends/girlfriends? Not sure where to begin answering that. Wouldn't swap hubby for anyone of either gender, even Indira Varma in heels

55. What's something you regret doing as a child? Picking on others to help cope with being picked on myself.

56. Have you ever met a gay person? The very idea :)

57. Where do you think wind comes from? Wind means God's had too much Guinness.

58. Do you like sour cream? Oh yes. Especially on what one lovely grotty little cafe I use in town calls a "bacon special croissant". Avocado, sour cream, crispy bacon, shallots... and chips on the side, which any right-thinking person of course salts heavily and puts *into* the croissant before eating :). Mmmm.

59. What color are your fingernails? Right now? Topsoil :)

60. Do you like animal crackers? Never eaten commercial ones, but my grandmother used to make beautiful lemony-flavoured buttery coconut-type biscuits in the shapes of animals. They were lovely.

61. Can you do a split? Not voluntarily.

62. What do you smell like? Right now? Faint traces of sweat, topsoil and petrol.

63. Have you ever done anything stupid at a drive-thru? Never used one.

64. Do you like to use song lyrics that relate to you? To me, no, but if a song resonates with a fic I'm writing I'll probably hoik a line or two to serve as the summary.

65. Do you have a problem with odd numbers? They're much more interesting than even ones.

66. What's something you're proud of? Not having given in and blown $240 on the latest Lego Technic despite jonesing for it to the point of actual physical pain (it's this huge fucking wonderful complicated bulldozer thing with a motor and and remote control and and all sorts of stuff and it'd take me a WEEK to build and cripple my hands and jesus I want it sooooo fucking bad). But I'm being Responsible 'cos interest rates are going up and we have a mortgage and I earn fuck-all and all that crap *GRUMBLEFNAARRRRR*

67. Do you think you'd be a cool teacher? I'm doing okay :) I'm the one they have fun with and jump all over and come to when they need a hug or a decision, and in my book that probably means I'm doing something right.

68. What are your pet peeves? People who can't be arsed reading over what they've written. Writer's block. Inconsistent characterisation in TV programmes. My co-worker who does the "why should I say Sorry? I've never done nuffink" rant thing. OOC fanfic. People who leave the toilet roll empty. We could be here all night :)

69. Do you know what the number 69 represents? Aha, this must have started on Facebook :)

70. How do you pronounce "caramel"? Exactly the way it looks.

71. If you could be any animal in the world, what would you like to be? My ginger tom, 'cos he's lazy, loved and lucky.

72. Are you the jealous type? Not particularly - how does Mari Boine put it? The plate of the envious never fills up...

73. Do you keep a journal/diary? Only LJ.

74. Have you ever used Xanga? No idea what that means.

75. Do you have a made-up language/alphabet? Makaton? My bastardised Dutch? :) nah, only Golliwog, which was rather popular in the 80s among High School Gurls. (illagit rellagestellaged ellagentillagirellillagy ollagon thellege collagoncellagept ollagof illaginsellagertelleaged syllagylallabals and is much more fun to say than type).

76. What fingers do you use to type? All. I was a good little gurl and done typing at high school innit.

77. Is there something you need to have/to do to be able to sleep? Nope, providing the frogs outside aren't in a mating frenzy and shut up occasionally.

78. What day is it tomorrow? Monday.

79. What time is it now? 8.01 pm

80. Do you believe humans evolved from monkeys? I'm not all that clear on the science (having spent those lessons writing anti-nuke wangst on my folder, as discussed) but isn't the general idea that apes and man are two branches from the one tree, or summink? So we're cousins rather than direct descendants, whatall... if this is a veiled Evolution question then YES mate we is monkeys and that suits me just fine.

81. What's your favorite board game? Scrabble.

82. Who is the last person you hung out with? Hubby over lunch.

83. Last person that you texted? Old schoolfriend Anh to check arrangements for Friday dinner (I can wholeheartedly recommend Mecca Bah in Canberra btw...)

84. You were in a car with? Hubby - dump run ewww.

85. Went to the movies with? Hubby - we try and go once a week where possible.

86. Went to the mall with? Nobody! I shop alone thank you. Far less faffing about that way and I can raid bookshops and stand outside Lego displays whining pitifully and pawing at the glass without annoying my companions

87. Person you talked on the phone with? My mother-in-law, I think...

88. Person you called? My nephew, to say good luck for the new school year? EDIT: actually no, it was another old schoolmate to organise Friday dinner. Which was a blast *waves to the guys*

89. You messaged on myspace? Never used that function; I'm only on there to keep abreast of Motorhead's blog.

90. You spent the night with? Hubby. At least I assume it was him :)

91. You talked to? Myself or the cat - actually, no, it was this leptospermum I planted out the front yesterday. We haven't had much luck with ti-tree so I hopped off the mower today and had a little chat to kind of welcome it in, in case it made a difference. (Don't look at me like that - IT WORKS).

92. You kissed? Hubby. Boring I know.

93. You miss? An utterly insane ex-preschooler who is now at Big School and doesn't live in town so I'm probably not going to catch up with anytime soon. Waaaah.

wibble, meme

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