The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Jul 10, 2011 20:40

Things with the Gale Force had gone ... better and worse than he'd been expecting. Garion had more or less put the team through the ringer much faster than he thought possible, and Geoffrey had been sent off (grudgingly) to find Elphaba.

And that -- that hadn't gone well at all. Fiyero hadn't been a fan of the plan to stick close to Garion while Geoff went, but they'd convinced him that a complete stranger the Gale Force had no idea about was simply safer.

She hadn't come. He wasn't sure why he'd expected her to change her mind last minute, but -- well.

Not even a goodbye. Fiyero was glad they were back at the bar and that they hadn't been stuck in Oz -- the familiar surroundings would've been too much to take.

He let the door to the bar swing shut, assuming Geoff and Garion would be behind him.

"Room key, please," he said to the bartop, frowning. She helpfully popped the key up with a bottle of flavoured vodka (very funny, bar). He picked the bottle and key up and started toward the stairs. Now was ... not the time for other people to see him.

geoffrey tennant, fiyero

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