Random Question Meme

Aug 23, 2005 21:23

The Random Question Meme!

An array of completely random questions about my friends!
It's all ladyarjay's fault, isn't it?You have no idea how funny this question is.Doesn't curious_george0 have anything better to do?Having seen his costumes, I'd have to say yes. What was the last game you played with moestock?Bash the conservative. ;)What animal does fionn_mac_lir most remind you of?A vulture. A hungry evil vulture. Is powerstreak an innie or an outie?outie all the way, let it all hang out. Where would you take porthos_if on a vacation?A bar someplace.What's the last thing you said to sergeantchia?... Yeah, that sums it up.Is weaselses best described as a badger, a mushroom, or a snake?A badger is closest to a weasel, but there is just something about her and snakes that seems to go together...
Would you sooner donate a kidney to pyrokinesis or antiarc?Heck the two of them would probably take both my kidneys, and leave me in a hotel bathtub full of ice. What is the most insightful thing you have heard eqaddict say?Ummmm, Dunno. Can't think of anything.
This is by heptadecagram. You can find your own completely random questions here.

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