Can it just be Monday tomorrow? Please?

Apr 09, 2005 23:01

I so need it to be my day off. I hate saying this, but ever since Pat quit, work drama has increased 200%.

So Shawn, Mr. I'm-the-shit-at-maintenence-so-bow-to-me-bitch, is fucking lazy. I mean, he came in all gung ho about how much he was going to make me get done (yeah right) and he was all hard working for like one day. Then he reverted to form, got lazy, and now gives me shit to do things and whines when he has to work. Doesn't really surprise me. So George the carpenter and I rag on him when he's not there, and all is good.

So fast forward to last week. Suddenly, maintenence has to clock out for lunch. No biggie, it's kind of annoying, but that's life. George tells me that it's because Shawn was leaving the property for 45 minutes for lunch, so John bitched him out and laid the smackdown on our breaks. So it's all good, I just let it slide until Shawn was getting on my ass about my "laziness" a couple days later, so I toss out his 45 minute breaks making us have to clock out for lunch. The motherfucker has the nerve to say that it's because I was taking long breaks.

Now, that scared me, because it's very possible that my breaks were running long without me knowing. The general process was leave, get food, come back, and eat. I was never consistent on when I looked at the clock, be it in the shop or in the car, and I doubt both clocks (or my watch) have the same time. And this was a big problem I had when I worked for those assholes at the Comfort, they evidently had these issues with me, but decided to just hold it against me without me knowing anything was wrong. [Insert here a micro rant about how that motherfucking George Ruta is NOT too important to call my goddamned home phone number to get ahold of me if my work cell isn't charged. I was home every night, numbnuts]

So I ask John yesterday, and sure enough it was Shawn specifically that the ruling was made for. And it didn't come from John, it came from Brian, the GM.

That motherfucker. THE NERVE. How the FUCK did he think he could say that without me eventually finding out that he was talking COMPLETELY out of his ass!? I can understand denying that it was because of him, no one really wants to admit that, but to lie and say it was MY fault?!

So I'm ready for a day off. I'm so sick of work drama. The only thing that can make work worthwhile tomorrow is if I manage to catch the head housekeeper fucking her inspectors in the rooms or closets and get her useless, stupid ass fired.
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