Dec 10, 2002 11:04
Finally every damn sickness I had plagueing me is gone! I'm back to the same ol' me. Life has been okay I guess. I missed three days of work and I just took my history final. The teacher was a 1/2 hour late. We almost left but my class decided to call the history dept. to see where she is b/c one girl that came in late said she was on her train and when we called the girl was like "lauri (my teacher), you know you have a final right now?" and she was like "o shit" so the girl said she is on her way over. 10 minutes later she shows up and only cut off a small piece of our final barely anything after saying she caught a late train. Well we know the truth she got here at 9:15 when the girl that was on the train got here but came to class at 9:30. Damnit we all shoulda left. We did too much talking and not enough walking lol darnit i gotta go i got stuff to do b4 my english final at 2! Lata gatas!
(gotta love my sisters! hehe)
STAR 4eva