This was on Holiday_wishes and I love the idea so much that I'm going to do it, and I just wanted to pass it on.
Operation Beautiful is a site that tries to end negative talk. The goal is to leave in random places just notes saying "you're beautiful" or whatever you wanna write. Write what comes to your heart and put it up where people can see! I'll write notes, keep them in my car for where ever I happen to be going.
Let's end all of the negative talk out there!
Because if reality it's getting stupid, everyone talking bad about others. Is it really that hard to just say one nice thing a day.
I've been a victim of rumors and bullying because of my weight (being too thin, too fat) because of my teeth when they were crooked, because of my speech problems, because I can be slow at understanding something, because I wasn't strong enough to do the same PE as others, of how shy I am, believe me the list can go on I was picked on for everything. It's a vicious thing that makes you never want to trust others, how can you trust people who act like friends to you then laugh at you when you walk away.
Let's end it. I know that it's hard to not join in and you may feel weird saying "stop saying that." But if nothing else at least walk away from such talk, if there are no other ears to listen to it then it cannot continue! That's what I do at work because I may not feel comfortable enough to tell my bosses to stop spreading rumors so I either change the subject and ask a question related to work or I walk away.
I'm going to start writing notes now! :D
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