what a fucking cow

Mar 24, 2009 04:44

so rachel is an even bigger cunt then what we originally thought. i hope that bitch gets run over by the karma train in a BIG motherfucking way. she makes me want to take my happy pills. all. at. once. fucking cow. i hope you get hit by a bread truck. dirty fucking whore. *ugh* whatthefuckever! ya mama.

so james goes before the board on wednesday to find out if he makes sergeant! so everyone wish him luck, he's been working really hard and he deserves it. he'll prolly be the youngest sgt. i've ever known......he's not even 21 yet! so yes, keep your fingers crossed and keep him in your thoughts.

they caught the guy that hit elizabeth. she's doing o.k. and has a new car now so she's mobile again. i think she was driving james' old car. she also has some new photos up of one of her latest shoots, so if you have myspace and you get a chance, she's in my #1 spot. go check her out. her photos are *hawt*.

i'm doing o.k. right now i'm just stressed the fuck out about bills and work. they're trying to push me the fuck out of here, i know it. and finding a second job has been a pain in the ass. doesn't anyone understand that i need to work more??? dammit. whatever. motherfucker. i feel like the only two options i have is hooking and selling drugs.....i know i've said that before, but seriously. which one do you think would be more profitable? there was an article on msn.com saying that as the economy gets worse, more and more women are turning to stripping and making porn. now that's not a bad idea. i just feel like many people do my age: stuck between a rock and hard place. i am so over being broke. i am so over this job. and i am definitely over......i lost my thought. whatever. apparently not too important.

about the only thing i got going right now is this ah-mazing tan. i love the beach. i really do. it's so relaxing and it makes me so happy to go. the sand is so white and fine. the water (albeit still cold) sparkles like jewels....especially at high noon. hence the name, the emerald coast. i'll post some pics on myspace that you can go check out. there hasn't been any serious storms to stir up all the seaweed and shit, so the water is crystal fucking clear and you can see to the bottom. in some places the sand bars are so huge......we saw some on the way to destin yesterday. it was awesome.

i miss my rent movie. *pout* let he among us w/o sin be the first to condemn!

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