Mar 07, 2009 03:52
it's almost 4 am and i have yet to do the audit. it feels so weird. i'm gonna be so behind. i'm supposed to be waiting on a group of possibly military or possibly air crew people. they don't want 7 rooms to roll over to no show, so it was decided that it was easier to hold off on the audit until they were checked in. well, they have until 4:30 and then i'm doing the damn thing. i have shit to do people! *lmao*
so today i paid rent, phone bill, and still had a little extra left over. not much. just enough to get my ativan and put gas in the car. i didn't feel overwhelmed, upset, disappointed or anything. it was a good day. i also went and applied at a couple of places: angler's and fudpucker's. both here on the island. fud's is right across the street from the hotel, so that would be ideal. angler's is right around the corner. i would've gone to destin to aj's but i couldn't shake this headache that i had. it was pretty awful for a little while. they're such a pain in the ass. quite literally.
not a lot in store for today. i'd like to go see mama ceese and athena. she needs me to work on her neck b/c she's been having a lot of tension headaches lately. poor mama, but she has been doing some tatt work and i know that always makes her feel pretty good. tatting makes her so happy. i think my next one will be a bracelet around my right wrist that says "accept what i can't change".....quite appropriate for my situation.
meena raked the yard earlier today, and by that i mean friday afternoon. she may have inspired me to do some shit around the house. my yard could use the raking, and my dishes need to be done. i've been putting off my dishes for god only knows how long now, and i know it would make me feel better. i actually did a load of laundry the other day and vaccuumed my living room. and it really did make me feel good. made me feel like i accomplished something. sometimes i feel as if a manic episode is the only thing to motivate me. sounds awful, but it's true. but we'll see. hopefully not. hopefully i can just find a way to motivate myself to do it. so like i said, we'll see.