"Why don't humane people start revolutions?"
"Because humane people don't start revolutions, they start libraries."
"And cemeteries."
What made this film for me was the scene in which Godard gave a lecture to literature students about the morality and philosophy of film grammar, specifically "shot-reverse shot." Of course, all of the film was note-worthy and thought-provoking, but it's the lecture scene that will stay with me the most, I think.
"Notice how the two shots are the same. That is because the director cannot tell the difference between a man and a woman."
"Shot and Reverse Shot
Imaginary: Certainty
Reality: Uncertainty
The Principle of Cinema:
Go Towards the Light and Shine It on Our Night
Our Music"
In this scene, so much of Godard's ideas and even his techniques are offered for our consideration. There is the heavy reliance on text and words to convey an idea, copious referencing, the famed, Godard-style lateral tracking shot pacing back and forth in front of the attentive students, and his ideas on the nature of film and its implications in larger issues. As Godard said, two photos taken of the same historical occurance will tell two different stories.
"There is no more room for Homer. I want to be the poet of the Trojans."