One Month 7/7

Aug 24, 2013 13:23

Title:   One month
Author: Arizona_foreva
Rating: M
Pairing: Arizona/other, Arizona/Callie
Summary: What if Callie had left when she found out she was pregnant?  What happens when she returns to find that Arizona had moved on?
Disclaimer: All television shows, movies, books, and other copyrighted material referred to in this work, and the characters, settings are the properties of their respective owners.
Authors Note: All medical procedures and diagnosis/diseases etc are completely fictional.  I am not a surgeon… just a writer.  J   Please review!

Chapter 7
Callie felt her heart swell up when she saw that Arizona was back but a part of her was afraid that spending a few days away with Tahan would put her behind in the race for the blonde’s heart.  Which is why when she found herself alone with the brunette on the elevator, her mouth ran before her brain.
“I know what you were trying to do,” Callie said and the general surgeon looked up from her charts and narrowed her eyes at the ortho surgeon.
“Excuse me?”
“Take Arizona out of Seattle for a few days, throw romance at her and get ahead in the race,” Callie snapped.
“Gee, you got me Dr Torres,” Tahan answered sarcastically as the doors opened and she left the elevator, not wanting to stoop that low.  Tahan had enough.  This isn’t supposed to be a race.  Maybe Tahan needed to be selfless and just let Arizona go.  Let Dr Torres and Arizona be together without her in the picture at all.
“You okay?” Teddy asked as she fell into step beside the brunette.
“I’m giving up,” Tahan shook her head, “I can’t do this anymore.  It’s not fair on Arizona for Dr Torres and I fighting for her affection.  I don’t want to lose her but… I just can’t fight a battle that I think I’m going to lose.”
“No,” Teddy whispered, her heart breaking for her friend.
“I’ll catch up with you later Teddy,” Tahan waved her off as she changed direction so she could track Arizona down and end this ridiculousness for once and for all.  She found her outside Sofia’s room, talking with Callie and she ignored the glare she got from her patient’s mother as she took Arizona’s arm and pulled her into an on call room.
“What the hell Tahan?” Arizona looked rather pissed off and Tahan thought that was good.
“I’m bowing out,” she stated and Arizona crossed her arms in front of her chest and raised her eyebrows.
“You’re bowing out?  What is this?  A boxing ring?”
“Feels like it,” Tahan mumbled before sighing, “I just can’t do this anymore Arizona.  Dr Torres, she’s putting up a big fight to win you back and I… I can’t stand in your way anymore so I’m… I’m breaking up with you so you can be with her completely.”
“No,” Arizona shook her head and Tahan scoffed.
“I’m breaking up with you Arizona,” she said, “As in, it’s my choice to not be with you anymore.”
“And I said no,” Arizona said again.
“No, it’s my turn to talk now.  You gave me a month.  There’s still a week and a half left of that month so no, you don’t get to just give up now.”
“I can’t do this anymore Arizona,” Tahan sighed, defeated.
“Do what?”
“See you with her.  Every time I see the two of you together, I want to punch her,” Tahan scowled, ignoring the smirk on her girlfriend’s face.
“So what, breaking up with me is going to stop you feeling that way?”
“At least then I will have no right to feel that way,” Tahan shrugged, realizing her girlfriend was enjoying this, “What is funny?”
Arizona made her way to the door but not without stopping beside Tahan and whispering into her ear.
“Do you have any idea how hot it is when you’re jealous?”
“God!” Tahan groaned to herself after that comment, feeling completely frustrated and annoyed.  Something inside her was sparked and she realized that this is what Arizona wanted.  She wanted a reaction from her girlfriend, a selfish reaction.  It was time to put herself first.

Callie nodded sadly as she listened to Arizona.  She knew before the blonde even opened her mouth that she had lost.
“It’s because I left, isn’t it?” Callie asked sadly and Arizona nodded.
“I can’t trust you Calliope.  I want to, so badly but the minute I imagine you and I together again, all I can see is you walking out the door and not coming back for five years.  I will always love you Calliope, but I’m in love with Tahan.  We have a chance of a future together and I have already done so much to really lose her.  I should never have agreed to this one month thing and dating both of you because I gave you hope when really, I’m sorry but there is no hope.  Not for you and me.  I’d like to be your friend though Calliope, if you can handle us just being friends but that’s all I can offer you,” Arizona had to follow her heart and her heart said Dr Tahan Cooper.
“I owe the woman everything I have.  She saved my baby daughter and gave her back her life.  I take comfort in the fact that I am losing to a better person.  And I’d love to be your friend Arizona.  I think this is the closure we needed, maybe now I will be able to move on with my life and find my own Tahan somewhere out there,” Callie smiled sadly before holding her arms out for one last hug.
“I’m sure she’s out there somewhere just waiting for you.  Hopefully she’ll be able to handle Mark better than I ever could,” Arizona chuckled and they pulled apart from each other.
“You’ll always hold a part of my heart Arizona,” Callie whispered, squeezing Arizona’s hands in her own, “But I can see it in your eyes.  Dr Cooper is the love of your life, more than I ever was.”
“I am sorry Calliope,” Arizona whispered and Callie shook her head.
“Go, get her,” Callie let go of the blonde’s hands and Arizona stood up and grabbed her jacket, running from the bar to track down the brunette that owned her heart.

Tahan opened her apartment door and looked at the blonde before her confused.
“What’s with the boxes?” She asked, indicating the boxes littering the hallway outside her apartment.
“I’m moving in,” Arizona shrugged, picking up a small box by her feet and walking past the stunned woman who just watched her girlfriend.
“Moving. In.”  Arizona said slowly, placing the box on the coffee table before turning around and beaming at the still shocked brunette.
“But… there’s still a week…”
“No.  I knew I wanted to be with you when I woke up and it wasn’t you beside me,” Arizona answered honestly, “and I am so sorry for everything that has happened over the last few weeks.”
“That’s why you wouldn’t let me break up with you?” Tahan realized and Arizona smiled, her cheeks blushing as she nodded.
“You have no idea how turned on I was when you dragged me into that on call room and tried so hard to break up with me,” Arizona bit her bottom lip as the memory flashed through her mind.
“Oh really?” Tahan raised her eyebrows and Arizona nodded.
“You got all possessive and you tried to get cranky, and the jealousy, it was hot,” Arizona saw the look in Tahan’s eyes and her body shivered.
“I can do possessive, I can definitely do cranky and if a woman so much as looks at you with lust in her eyes, I’ll definitely do jealousy,” Tahan whispered, trapping Arizona between her body and the wall Arizona backed into.
“I’m yours,” Arizona whimpered.
“That’s right woman, you’re mine.  All mine,” Tahan growled possessively.
“God I love you,” Arizona breathed out, trying to control her body.
“I love you too,” Tahan whispered, her heart overfilling with joy, “Don’t ever scare me like that again.”
“Never again,” Arizona whispered.
“We better get your stuff in from out of the hall,” Tahan remembered and Arizona nodded, quickly running to get the boxes in.  They had time to make up for and she couldn’t wait to get started.
“Let’s just shove them all in the spare room for now,” Arizona started pushing the boxes into the spare room, smiling at her girlfriend’s raised eyebrows, “What?  We’ve got forever to unpack these boxes because I’m not planning on leaving you, ever.”
“Never ever,” Tahan beamed.
“Never ever,” Arizona beamed in return.
Both girls were completely oblivious to the fact that Teddy was standing outside the apartment, a huge grin on her face as she unlocked her own apartment door across the hall from Tahan’s… and Arizona’s apartment.  She could only hope that the walls were sound proof, otherwise she’ll be investing a lot of money in ear plugs in the future, and she didn’t care.

arizona/other arizona/callie

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