Sep 14, 2006 19:50
remember the last time i updated? i sure as hell don't. largely due to the fact that my computer at my house is fucked to hell, and i can't afford to fix it. i work and live and school all in tempe. i'm really fucking up my time at asu, i've met like 4 interesting people thusfar. one especially so though, and i'm happy about that. i don't know what it is, i've just gotten lame. i didn't even go to a party last weekend. plus i stay in all week. but tonight i'm up in prescott, and saturday is tucson. schwing.
i have a shitload of 2d design homework to get done by tuesday. fuuuck. i regret dropping my english class now that i have to withdraw from french too. (fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!!!)
but work rocks hard now that i'm in the tempe store. all i do is play my c.d.'s for everyone and do my best to avoid being bored. i expect raises soon, i have a 30 and 90 day review coming up. hopefully i can get a few more hours, because i need dolla dolla bills. speaking of which i applied for a credit card today. i hope that works out....
i keep thinking i should be in the dorms, meeting kids and shit. but then i remember my bed, and the bong next to it, and the kid accross the room, and the girl down the hall, and the cat that won't stop meowing, and i think: fuck that noise, this is fanastic.
i really don't talk to anyone anymore. i'm closer to my sisters friends then to my friends from highschool lately. it's been fucking with my head a bit. among many other things. i do turn 21 in a few weeks though. rock. i bet i'll be popular then. really i have noone to blame but myself, i never invite people to my house.
i need a dealer!
last thing: halloween party the friday before the 31st. if you were at my housewarming party, it will be largely the same (ie fun) plus larger and costumes and decorations. what should i be for halloween? if anyone wants to go out and catch up they should give me a call.