Jul 28, 2004 07:20
first we hope in hoping we dream, in dreaming we seek, in seeking we find our hearts greatest desires...
dont ask where i pick that quote up...
im back from utah and im happy i am...lifes great i missed ALL my friends...when we were on the plane comming home from utah there was a lot of turbulance and we were never allowed out of our seat...but as the plane took off from the utah air port i thought "you know a small percent of the flights that take off all around the world crash...but what if this is one of those flights, what if the pilate makes an error? what if a vital part of this plane malfunctions...and then i realized, it doesnt matter, if i die it doesnt matter, life isnt the end its just a turning point. then i realized that the only regret i would have if i died wouldnt be for me but for the people that i left behind." you know what i know i dont vocallize it often but i want to tell you guys i love you all very much! i love my friends i would miss you soo much if i lost you! thank you for being soo wonderful. ill never forget you...ever
luv andrea