Open Letter to a Douchebag

Aug 02, 2010 20:52

Dear fucking douchebag,

You have got a lot of fucking nerve. For a year I have kept my silence and watched as you duped more unsuspecting RPers into playing with you and consigning themselves to being your play things. But no more will I just bear witness. You're an asshole. You treat women like they are your personal valets, only there to do your bidding. Nevermind about their feelings or their plans. It's all about you and what you can get. You don't give a shit about anyone but yourself. After that whole song and dance you gave me last year about wanting to change, you have changed NOTHING. You're exactly the same. Still using people up and tossing them aside when you have gotten all the fap material you want out of them. As a side note, if I had known you were jacking off to the smut logs we did together, I wouldn't have written any fucking logs with you. Do you even realize how fucking amazingly creepy that is to find out about an ex RP partner?

How fucking dare you use me as some sort of shield to make someone else feel guilty for yelling at your selfish ass! You don't get a free pass from being a dick to me by telling your new RP partners "That's what she said to me...I'm really changing...I am" What is this bullshit? Huh! Tell me! Not once did you EVER genuinely apologize to me for how you treated me and what you did to me. All I ever got was "I'm sorry I didn't mean too." "Oh I'm sorry I didn't realize." "Oh I'm sorry you feel that way." Motherfucker I don't need your empty words. Especially when you continued to jerk me around and it was damn obvious you were not sorry. It was always about your feelings. You didn't stop to actually consider mine. Well fuck you douchebag! I'm not keeping silent any longer. I will gladly show anyone who asks, the chatlogs and emails of your douchebaggery. You WILL NOT use me as your shield or deflector any longer.

You Clandon. Are a sorry excuse for a human being and you can fucking rot for all I care. I will never be your friend in this lifetime or any other. I'm more than done with you. If this brings a load of wank onto your head, I really don't give a shit. Because I am through trying to be the bigger person here. You stepped over the line and the fight is on!

No Love,

PS: Anyone who is close friends with Clandon, you are free to defriend me if you like. I'm not asking for you to chose sides. If you want to remain neutral and still friended to me. That's fine. Otherwise I am not trying to hear any defenses on his behalf, because I made plenty of excuses for him back when I called him a friend. I'm done with that. I'm not posting to RPS or anonmeme. This is my journal, fucking signed and out in public view. I do have every single chatlog and email of his asshattery and I am more than willing to share at this point, if you don't believe me.

PPS: Clandon fucking defriend my journal. There's absolutely no hope of things changing.

no friends lock this time, open letter, i don't fucking care, clandon's a fucking asshole

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